Humana Lupus- Chapter 2

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I could smell golden syrup. Smell was the first of my senses to come back.

Feeling was next; my head hurt. I was on a cushioned surface- A sofa or bed? -and a blanket was draped over me. I couldn't move yet. I could feel someone holding my hand though. What!?

Sight. Movement. Speech. They came all at once.

"Woahwoahwoah," the guy who was holding my hand said calmly. Him and an older guy, probably a relative as they looked alike, were holding my arms down while a younger guy was holding down my legs. I started thrashing around on the bed again.

"Stop Naomi... please..." A female voice whimpered in the corner of the room.

I did. The sadness in the young girl's voice made my heart break a little, too. I collapsed in defeat and after a few minutes the guys lay off me. The girl ran over to me and hugged me tight. I'd never been hugged before; my parents had never liked physical contact. So I hugged her back- or at least what I thought was a hug -even though I had no idea of who she was.

"Will you allow us to explain a few things?" the oldest man asked in a monotone voice.

"Who are you all? Why am I here?" I questioned, letting go of the young girl. She sat cross-legged next to me on the bed, studying me.

"My name is Charlie Wood, and this is my son, Jason," he nodded to the guy who had held my hand before I freaked out.

"Nice to see you again, pup," Jason hugged me. What was with all of the hugs? And what did he mean by 'again'? "How many years has it been? Twelve? It's felt like a lifetime."

"Hi, I'm India, I'm your little sister," the girl beamed.

"What!?" I exclaimed. "This has got to be a joke. I'm an only child!"

"No, it's not a joke. It is a long story though," the younger guy informed me, walking over to the chair next to the bed and sweeping his black hair from his eyes.

"I'm up for stories, as far as I know I have all the time in the world."

Charlie sighed. "Well, first off, stay calm. Don't freak out... Again... As far as we know, you have no idea what you are."

"I'm a human being," I laughed. "What else could I be?"

"A wolf."

I blinked at him... And burst out laughing.

"Like a werewolf?" I joked.

"Yes," Charlie said, straight faced.

"Werewolves aren't real! You have no proof, anyway," I laughed. "Great, I've been kidnapped by a bunch of crazy people."

Charlie walked over to a file and picked out a piece of paper, then came over and showed it to me.

"These are the results from yours and India's blood tests," he pointed to each of them. They were the same. "And this is a humans blood test," he pointed to the last one. It was different, so that would mean...

"I need more proof, this doesn't necessarily mean I'm a werewolf," I denied.

"India, you're gonna have to Change," Charlie sighed.

She nodded and walked to the corner of the room then crouched down. Her clothes ripped and underneath was blonde-ish fur. Her dark blonde hair grew shorter, if that makes sense. Her face was rearranging itself into a muzzle. Her teeth lengthened & sharpened. The next thing I knew there was a blonde-ish wolf standing in her place.

"Naomi? Naomi?" I heard, but I couldn't believe that a wolf had just appeared in the room. No, not just a wolf; India. It is India. My little sister. My relative. That's what I am. I can turn into a wolf. I am a wolf. I am a Werewolf.

"Naomi!" The youngest guy was in front of me on the bed, shaking my shoulders. He had nice eyes.

I blinked at him. "What's your name?" I asked, realising that I didn't know it.

He let out a short laugh. He laughed with his eyes closed. "Shane. Shane Taylor."

"Hi, Shane, Shane Taylor." I smiled.

He laughed again and winked, which sent my head spinning. Why was I feeling all weird around him? "Hey, Naomi."

"Where's everyone gone?" I asked, frowning. We were the only two in the room.

"Downstairs. They all think it would be better if I explained things to you since there's less of an age gap between you and me than anyone else," Shane shrugged.

"How old are you, then?"

"Nineteen. Anyway, want me to explain?"

I groaned. "Go ahead. My head hurts, but I'll try to understand."

"Right," Shane said and made him self comfortable next to me, our legs and arms touching, which sent shivers down my spine. My heart fluttered and my face went all warm... I must be coming down with something; there's no way I could be... I mean, I'd only just met the guy! Maybe it was just because I wasn't used to physical contact with the male species. Yeah, that's it. "Let's start from the beginning, when you were born. Try not to interrupt until I'm finished though, then you can ask questions."

"Okay," I sighed and leant back on the headboard.

"Once upon a time-" he started and I giggled. Okay, who ordered extra cheese on the mess of a pizza that was my life? "Shuuusshhhh! I'm trying to tell you a story," he winked. "Once upon a time, there was an Alpha of a pack called the Emerald Moon Pack. His name was Jevon Garou. He fell in love with a new member of the pack named Marie Green, who had been kicked out of her old pack. Well, as soon as he set eyes on her he knew she was his Mate. They soon got married and gave birth to a beautiful baby who's name was Naomi, whom they loved very much. Naomi was good friends with a boy called Shane when she was a toddler and everyone loved her." I'd met Shane before? I had been friends with him? "A little after she turned 3, she had a baby sister called India. But one day, the tragic events of the kidnapping of Naomi Garou and the murder of the Alpha and his Mate, our Luna, had taken place.

Even though the Emerald Moon Pack have looked for years they didn't know where Naomi was or who had kidnapped her until last week, as their scents had somehow disappeared. After lots of hard research, they found out the Zircon Moon Pack, coincidently an old enemy, had her. They went to rescue Naomi but unfortunately, she banged her head on the door. You know the rest."

I looked at my hands on my lap. My real mother held these hands. My real father held these hands. Most of my life was a lie. I don't even remember my real parents. A tear fell down my cheek.

"Oh shit!" cursed Shane and he enveloped me in a tight bear hug. I cried into his shoulder; I couldn't stop the tears from falling, no matter how hard I tried. "Shh, it's okay, Nae. Everything's going to be okay, I promise. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," he nuzzled his face in the space between my neck and shoulder.

"I-I can't remember them," I sobbed. "Not one memory."

"Shhh, it's okay, they still live in your heart, Naomi, remember that."


Aw, Poor Naomi:( What do you think of Shane? How about India?

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Also, any covers made are very appreciated!:D

x Cat x =^•.•^=

P.S. Laptop's going weird, so sorry if things are a bit confusing:S

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