She Wasn't Sure...But She Liked It.

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Matthew S. and Emily E.

     The three friends chatted for a moment, then they walked out of the door of Emily's home

"Where to now, guys?" Ryan asked.

"We are not guys, Ryan." Courtney joked.

"How about the food court at the mall, we can get so 'fro-yo'." Emily suggested.

"Let's just face it, Emily, you just want to go to the mall!" Ryan joked. They all laughed.

"But, seriously, lets go. I could use some 'fro-yo' myself." Courtney said.

"Yeah, me too. let's go. Do you guys...I mean girls want to take a bus, we could call a cab, or do you want to walk?" Ryan asked.

"Cab." Emily said.

"Could we all fit in a cab after we go to the mall and buy lots of stuff with Ryan's next few paychecks?" Courtney asked.

"We should be able to...Hey! I don't think so. You Girls better have your own money. We are not going to do what we did last time!" Ryan said. Emily and Courtney laughed at their witty selves.

  The last time they all went to the mall, the girls had 'borrowed' money from Ryan all the way into the next month's paycheck, so that they could buy some special make up and scented soap and toiletries from 'Gabriella's Tricks and Touches.' The fact is, both of the girls lost their jobs before they could pay him back completely...or at all really.

"I'd have to stop at 'Gab..." Courtney began. She then saw Scott and Charity sitting on a park bench holding hands and laughing.

"Ugh! Who did her make-up? Bozo the Clown's Make-up artist?" Emily said.

"Emily!" Courtney said.

  It was true though, she had on way to much foundation, rouge, and mascara. Her lipstick was red and glossy and her smokey eye look was blue and green with black eyeliner. She had make-up lines around her  neck and on her forehead.Her choice of outfit wasn't the best either. She had on a really old pair of shorts and a mixed color T-shirt, with high heeled flip-flops.

 Courtney tried to hush Emily up before Charity or Scott heard her. Ryan wasn't helping by laughing at her and asking "Where?" or "What is that?" Courtney didn't expect him to know about foundation and rouge, but he had seen her and Emily talk about and put on Mascara, she was surprised when he asked what it was.

   Courtney tried to get Ryan and Emily to at least talk at a normal volume when they past the park bench that Scott was on. She didn't exactly want to be noticed. They had only been broken up for maybe 20 hours, he was already with Charity. Courtney didn't really have a problem with Charity. After all, it wasn't exactly her fault that Scott fell for her, It was Scott's choice. But, being a human, it was very hard not to take out her anger on Charity.

  How could she be so wrong about Scott? She thought that they were in love. She loved him that's for sure. Scott jsut didn't really love her. It's a good thing that she and he didn't take it too far. Not that she would, just it's a good thing she didn't.

"Hey Courtney!" Scott yelled as she passed. Why did he wait until she had gotten almost 10 ft infront of them? She and her two companions walked to Scott and his mate.

"Hi, Scott. How are you doing?" Courtney said smiling. Ryan moved closer to her as if he was protecting her already broken heart.

"Good, good. And you?" Scott said with a mischeivious smile on his face.

"I know that look, Scott. What's going on?" Courtney cut to the chase.

"Rude, rude, rude. I can't believe she actually thought you could love a girl like her, Scott." Charity said.

"I know, it's hard to believe..." Scott started.

"Ok, we're leaving. Bye,Charity...Scott." Ryan said grabbing Courtney's arm and Emily's and pulling them to the Bus Stop, where the bus was just pulling in.

As they got on the bus going to the mall, Courtney whispered in Ryan's ear, "Thanks. Like I said, Not all guys are great like you."

"You're welcome. Not all girls are cute like you." Ryan whispered in Courtney's ear smiling then pecked her cheek with a kiss. Turning to Emily, he said, "Emily's crazy fun." and pecked her cheek as well.

  Ryan had kissed her cheek quite a few times before. Courtney had always thought that it was jsut his way of feeling like a big brother to the two girls. But, for some reason, this time,she got butterflies in the pit of her stomache. Maybe it was because he called her cute, or maybe it was because she was lonely and and had just been dumped by Scott, but, whatever it was... she kinda liked it.

Love is a Tricky Word~ The Courtney Smith Series ~ Book Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें