Big Mistake

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The next morning Emily awoke before Courtney."Courtney, wake up!" Emily said shaking Her.

"Hey, go away. I'm dreaming."Courtney said hrowing a pillow at her friend.

"Hey! Do you want me to smother you with this?!" Emily said holding up the pillow.

"No, thanks." Courtney said as she rolled over to go back to sleep. She was rolled up in her comforter like a sausage.

"Hey, you, get up!" Emily said taking the corner of Courtney's comforter and giving it a stout jerk. Courtney flipped into the floor like a cheerleader who had been tossed in the air.

"Ouch!" She said rubbing her eyes.

"Oops. sorry." Emily said

"Ugh! It's ok. Help me up." Courtney said as she was being pulled up.

Courtney got up and dressed and put on her makeup. Emily did the same. "I like getting ready with people. It's fun to chat while I put on mascara." Emily said.

"Ok, I won't talk until you get to your mascara." Courtney joked.

"Very, funny." Emily said flatly.

"I love this stuff." Courtney said as shee sprayed on her perfume that Ryan had purchased for her, and her alone.

"Ryan did too.." Emil said.

"That would be why he bought it for me. J'taime." Courtney said making a little rhyme.

"You are so corny. Shut up I'm doing my Mascara."

"I thought you wanted me to talk while you put it on." Courtney said and the two girls burst out laughing.

After they were finished laughing like little girls, Courtney asked, "Emily, are you ok, with me and Ryan?"

"Why, wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. It's just that you weren't surprised when Ryan gave me the box and kissed me."

"Well, I knew Ryan liked you."

"You did?"

"Yeah, even when we were younger and both had a crush on him, I knew I would never get him. He looked at you like I wished he would look at me. Then, when you started dating Scott.." Emily started

"Ugh! Ew!" Courtney interrupted.

"When you started dating 'Ugh Ew' and Ryan joined our possy, he confided in me. He told me that he really liked you and would wait forever if needed. He said that as soon as you two were over, cause he knew you would be, that he would confront you."

"You never told him about how I used to have a crush on him?"

"No, I didn't think he needed to know. I didn't want to fuel his fire."

"Fuel his fire?"

"If I would have told him, he would have gotten excited and ruined your relationship with...'Ugh Ew'... and would have probably gotten hurt."

"Oh, Emily. You are a true friend to me and to Ryan! There is no one better than you. I...WE love you." Courtney said.

The girls had been friends since forever. They stuck with eachother through thick and through thin. It was true, they were best friends. They always would be, even through the tough trials that were to come.

*************The Next Day*************

"You did what?!" Courtney yelled into the phone.

"What did she do?" Ryan asked. Courtney waved her hand at him to tell him to be quiet.

"I made a mistake, and I'm sorry. Remember the talk we had yesterday?" Emily said over the phone.

"Yes, Emily, I do. But, with Jase?! Emily how could you be so stupid?"

"I was upset! My parents were fighting that day and I was lonely. You had Volley Ball practice and Ryan was doing something. Jase was the only one I could turn to. "

"That doesn't make it okay to...are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I didn't want to ruin your happiness."

"What are you going to do?"

"I guess I'll have to have it."

"No Duh! Does Jase know?"


"What did he say?"

"He said that he wanted to support me."

"Do you even like him?"

"Yes, we've been dating."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You don't like him, neither does Ryan."

"Well, I mean we could have learned to like him, Emily. How long has this been going on?"

"3 and a half months, Mother."

"Hey, I'm just concerned, you ARE my best friend. Do your parents know?"

"They do, that's another thing.... They're kicking me out. They want me to go to a home for troubled girls. I said no. Then they suggested I live with my, rather creepy uncle. I then said no, and they got mad and said I had a month to find a place to live or they would send me to one of the two. Probably the Girl's Home."

"What will you do?"

"Well, I need a place to stay and then I'll get a job and get an apartment."

"No you won't!"


"You can't do that and finish high school, you know how it is. Come stay with me and my mom. It's our senior year, we have to finish!"

"Great, tell Ryan for me, I hope he'll forive me..."

"You know he will. What are you going to do after?"

"The birth?"


"I am the reason this happened, I am not going to throw it away, to some adoption agency. I'll keep him."


"I don't know."

"What if Jase doesn't..."

"I've already thought about that. I'll get a job and take some online classes, if you'll help me, I can do this."

"I will. We can do this."

"But I hope Jase doesn't turn on me."

"I don't know. How far...."

"2 months."

"Oh." Courtney held her breath.

"I know what you're thinking. I gotta' go." Emily said hanging up the phone.

Courtney began to let her warm tears roll down her face. She didn't care if Ryan saw her. She was worried about Emily. She was like her sister. She kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong. "Courtney stop! Everthing will be ok." She thought. It sounded like something Emily would tell her.

"Red, What's going on?" Ryan asked her kissing her forehead.

"Ryan, don't be mad at her, but Emily is 2 months pregnant..." Courtney answered.

"Pregnant?! ..... I'm not mad.... I'm not mad."

"Yes, you are. You'll get over it though."

"I'm fine.''

"Jase is the Father. They've been dating for 3 and a half months, Emily is moving in with me."

"How could Emily, she is so smart, how could she be so stupid to make such a big mistake?" Ryan asked hiding his face in his hands.

"I know, Ryan." Courtney said moving his hands so she could see his face. She softly kissed him. He returned her kiss.

Love is a Tricky Word~ The Courtney Smith Series ~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now