A Clingy Ice Cream Cutie

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The next week, passed quickly and without any drama. That was exciting in it's own way. Ryan had been working on his 'Stang, Courtney had been out searching for a job, and Emily had been over at Jase's house alot. Courtney and Ryan had chatted on the phone every night, but Courtney wanted to see Ryan's face. It was sad, she was becoming obsessed with him. She wanted o feel his lips on hers, taste his kiss. She wanted him to hold her close, and she wanted to look into his deep brown eyes.

"Am I really acting like this after not seeing him in only a week? Is this what people call clingy? It's not clingy if you don't show it right? Is this why couples take a 'break' from their relationships? I don't want that to happen! I want to be with Ryan forever! There I go again, being clingy. Am I living in a daze? Am I blinded by what I think is love? Does Ryan really love me? Do I really love Ryan? Oh, Hush, Courtney! Don't worry about it. Time will tell. You know what you want, do your part, and you'll be okay." Courtney thought as she laid on her bed.

As Courtney dozed on and off, she wondered where Emily was. She had left at 7:00 that morning to go shopping with Jase. Speaking of Jase, "Why does she like him? He is such a jerk. He is rude and pushy. Better yet, he is just Jase, being Jase..." Courtney's thoughts were inerrupted by some one down stairs yelling, "Hello? Anybody home?" It was Emily. Courtney hoped she was alone.

Courtney turned to look at the clock by her bed. 8:19. "Up here!" Courtney yelled. "Where has she been?" she mumbled under her breath. Courtney sat up when Emily knocked on her bedroom door. "Come in." She simply said. Emily walked in and sat beside her.

"Wow, this week has been hectic." Emily said pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"I know, and it can only get worse with school starting Monday." Courtney said rolling her eyes.

"I know. You know, we haven't hardly even talked to eachother since our double date last Friday, much less, done something together." Emily stated.

"Ugh! I know. I've been searching for a job. When I leave, you're asleep. When I get home, you're gone. When you get home, I'm asleep. You'd think since you moved in, we would be able to spend more time together. Not!"

"I know, Any luck with a job?"

"Not yet. I've had a few say they would call me back, one sounded interested, and quite a few said that "I was very talented in many ways, but we simply could not use you.' " Courtney said with a sigh and a laugh.

"Which one sounded interested?" Emily asked.

"The Pharmacy on the other side of town."


"Yep. I'll be the 'Ice Cream Girl' there."

"Well, when Josie is born, we'll come visit you." Emily said rubbing her stomach.

"I'm going to hold you to that... If I get the job in the first place." Courtney said wagging her finger in Emily's face.

Courtney had to admit, she was ready for the baby to come. She wondered what or who she would look like. She absolutely loved the name that Emily and Jase had picked out. "Josie" was chosen as a name that was a mix of Emily and Jase. "Victoria" was the name Emily chose. It was Courtney's middle name too. Jase didn't like the idea of naming his daughter after Emily's friend that he hardly knew, but Emily told him to "Deal with it." And then, of course, "Blake" which was Jase's last name.

"Josie Victoria Blake." Courtney said out loud.

"Yeah, you should have heard what Jase honestly, and truly wanted to name her!" Emily said laughing.

"What was it?"

"Jamie Bond Blake! After James Bond!"

"No?!" Courtney busted out laughing. It sounded like something Jase would pick.

Love is a Tricky Word~ The Courtney Smith Series ~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now