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"Come on, Little Red Riding Hood, Lets go so Gabby's" Ryan said shooting Courtney a smile that made her blush.

"Gabriella's." Courtney corrected giggling.

"Who cares, It doesn't matter. Emily's waiting on us there." Ryan began. He grabbed her arm and began pulling her and continued, "Come on, Let's go."

Courtney felt wierd being led by her arm like a little girl whose daddy caught her talking to a stranger. Courtney pulled her arm away as they were walking and grabbed Ryan's hand. Ryan smiled at her, and she, of course, smiled back. He laughed at her and said, "You have a pretty smile, Red."

Ryan had called her "Little Red Riding Hood" since the very first moment they met. She had always asumed that it was because of her red hair. She used to hate it, but not now. She loved that Ryan...and Scott, but mostly Ryan noticed her because of it. She always acted like she hated her nick-name, but in reality she loved it. She loved the feeling of being a girl dependant on her guy friend who loved her and protected her. She loved the attention it brought her.

Scott had always called her, "Court" or "Baby Blues" because of her blue eyes. She hated being called "Court" it made her feel tomboyish. She wanted to feel girly. She wanted to feel petite. Not Tomboyish. It angered her when Scott would point out that she was too girly. She was a girl, she was supposed to be girly. Really, she wasn't all that girly, she only acted like it to make Scott feel like she needed him, depended on him, make him feel manly. He never appreciated her efforts.

"Thank you. I like yours too!" Courtney said as they walked into Gabriella's. Emily didn't seem to notice Courtney and Ryan were holding hands. Courtney was glad. She didn't want her to know about the kiss just yet. Courtney calmy let go of Ryan's hand and pretended it was just so she could look at some soaps and scented candles, but it Ryan could see through her act.

"Hey, Emily, do you think, Courtney would like this?" Ryan asked as he picked up a body spray that was raspberry and vanilla scented.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her." Emily said sniffing it.

"I want it to be a surprise."


"I just do."

"Ryan! You are being soft on her! You like her."

"Yes, I do."

"Wow, I didn't think you would admit it like that."

"Well, I did." Ryan said as he browsed the body sprays. He didn't seem to care that he was the only guy in the store.

Ryan picked out a scented spray that's title was "J'taime" It smelled sweet. He bought it. The clerk looked at him strangely. "It's for my...friend." He calmly stated and the clerk was more at ease.

The girls were finished shopping and were waiting outside the small shop. Ryan walked out with the spray in a wrapped box. Courtney and Emily were chatting and laughing. Ryan stopped to observe Courtney. He thought she was the most beautiful thing on the Earth.

"For you, my dear." Ryan said giving Courtney the wrapped box and kissing her in front of Emily.

"Thank you." Courtney said in a stuttering tone as she opened it.

Emily didn't seem to mind that he kissed Coutney. Courtney was surprised that Emily was so okay with Ryan buying her something and kissing her. Still Courtney felt weird about being so open with Ryan. She had only been dumped about 26 hours before.

"Happy 15 minute anneversary." Ryan said looking at his watch as Courtney opened her gift.

"I love this scent! Smell it, Emily." Courtney saud brushing off the awkwardness.

"I love it, too." Emily said sniffing it.

"Thanks, Ryan. I love it." Courtney said

"That would be why they called it J'taime." Ryan joked.

Love is a Tricky Word~ The Courtney Smith Series ~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now