Chapter 2

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You know, if my dad were there at the fight, he would have been proud. Fighting off a robot, and saving a family is something to be proud of I think. If only he could be here now.

From yesterday's fight, my arm is now worse than ever. My entire left side is bruised while my back is slightly burned from the explosion, leaving it now harder for me to self-treat, even though I know I should get myself checked out by real doctors.

With a cold shower, and a few pain killers, which helped in the slightest but not enough, I've decided to go back to bed and rest. If I were to see the hospital, they would question my injuries and might send me into the authorities. Although I may be a legal adult, these are bad abrasions.


"Major Lennox, you might want to see this." A young coder announced.

William Lennox is the field commander at N.E.S.T. N.E.S.T is a human, alien alliance created by the government to track down Decepticons and eliminate them. While as Lennox normally doesn't work in the computer area, everything had been calm lately giving him free time.

There hadn't been any Decepticon activity lately. Megatron nor Starscream has been heard of since the last battle in Egypt. Which did leave everyone on edge, including the humans but still they took the time to take a break for once of fighting.

Will Lennox slowly makes his way towards the coder, who is standing in front of a computer screen, and stops.

He stares confused as he sees a blurry video of a Decepticon and a small body, maybe female? Fighting. Will begins to panic after noticing what was going on, "Come with me." He tells the coder simply before airing towards the Autobot hanger. Today happened to be a break day for all of them.

"Optimus, you're going to want to see this."

"What is it, Major?"

Lennox jumps up the stairs to the area the Autobots keep surveillance, followed by the coder and he plugs in the drive to the largest screen. Large enough for Optimus to take a good look.

The images pop up, and the same, blurry images appear on the screen.

"Where was this taken?" Optimus questions, once the video finished.

"Right outside of Scottsdale, Arizona. Sir." The hacker described.

"Can we get a visual on who we are dealing with?"

He nods in return and turns back to the screen. With a few clicks, the coder is able to get a better look at the Decepticon and sees it as Starscream.
He also tried to identify the female, but because of the helmet, a name could not be put on her yet. However, with further details, the coder found the cameras connect to a system in a house outside the city, not too far from the building it is attached to.

Phoenix's home.

"Find anything?" Lennox's impatient voice echoes through the coders' ears.

Although, he knew he needed to hurry, considering citizens could be in danger.

"Well, take a look."

The coder brings up the photo elected from the video, showing Starscream.

"Starscream? What was he doing there?"

"Well, it could be a simple coincidence, but he could be after the female." The coder adds.


"Yes, some girl. She saved the life of a few civilians. Her name couldn't be identified, however."

"Is there any way of locating her?" Lennox asks, becoming more impatient by the second.

"Yes, the camera can be traced back to a secluded home right outside of Scottsdale, sir."

He had happened to back trace a virus Phoenix implanted in their systems a few years ago. Since she is currently offline, she didn't have the ability to stop the hacker from finding her.

"We must find this girl and pray the Decepticons have not found her first."

"Phoneix! C'mon, hurry!" My brothers worried voice tells me as we stumble through the city. This was meant to be a happy family vacation. Not this.

These giant metal robots have ruined everything. Never thought I would have been able to say that.


Once more, I wake to the sad dreams of my last moments with my brother. I once had four brothers, and oh how hectic the school morning was. I actually quit high school once I hit 16 considering I have the IQ of 157, I do not need petty teachers to tell me things I already know.

If only life didn't change with those robots coming into my life.

Upon sitting in my bed, deep in thought for about 15 minutes, I tuned out the throbbing pain running through my blistered arm.

Jumping out of bed, I rush to the bathroom. My back is now hurting as well, which was caused by my sharp movement earlier.

Carefully taking off my now dirty clothes, I step into the shower. I leave it cold, in hope, it will soothe my burned body. Once I was clean, I step out, and as careful as possible, slipped into some comfy cargo pants and baggy black T-shirt.

The simple slide of material against my skin makes me grimace, but life must go on.

I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Luckily, the house was in my name, I don't know how much longer I will be able to keep it and all my memories. And in any way, the house was paid for, so it shouldn't be taken from me.

Fixing myself some soup, I sit on the sofa and begin eating. My mom would have done this for me...

I shouldn't live in the past, though. She taught me that, to always move on, but can I make it?


Just as I was rebandaging my arm and my stomach, in hope to ease the pain somewhat, I hear a knock on the door.

It was a strange noise to me; no one has knocked on the door in ages. I've been left alone since the incident took place and I have tried my best to keep it that way.

Quickly slipping back on the baggy shirt, which didn't happen to cover the bandages on my arm, I walk down the carpeted steps and reach the front door.

I open the door to stare at two soldiers, and what looks to be a government agent.

"Are you Phoenix Hunter Chaines?"

"Yes, sir?"

"We believe you are involved in a highly classified secret, and we need you to come with us." The tall, dark haired one tells me, as the one beside him pulls out a badge and flips it out.

I stare confused before realizing: I've been caught.

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