Chapter 11

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Today, I have been invited to the training room where the military and the Autobots train for any Decepticon attack. Strange, I will admit, but I believe everyone working here has to go through some training. They probably do it In case of an outbreak of some kind. Each personnel, no matter if they fight or not, must train along with the military to keep up their physical strength.

Although I am still sore from the first day, I'm curious to see how different their course of fighting is than mine. I had used mostly explosives as my technique, but N.E.S.T might not agree with that.

Standing up from my position at my work desk, I stretch my arms and begin trudging out the door, ignoring the looks I get from the other coders. They still don't believe my use for N.E.S.T, but I know my place.

The one thing stuck in the back of my mind all week is what Optimus had spoke of; 'family' Seems like such an abstract concept to me now. How could I ever belong somewhere again? It's Doubtful. I still hold an aversion towards these guys even after seeing what they do. They may have made a few mistakes but it's hard forgiving someone for something that hurts so much.

Listening to the constant pitter patter my feet make as I walk down the silent halls, I begin to hear laughter and the echos of gun shots. Taking the next few steps, I see the training room. It's a large, squared out expanse with altered ways of training on each side of the walls.

One side contained targets, for what I would guess to be gun practice. While the second side looks like more of a fitness training area, with weights you would see in a gym. And the next two slots were made up of simply mats, lying on the ground.

The room itself was made up of countless amounts of soldiers, along with a few Autobots. Two I knew; Ironhide and Sideswipe. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as they watched the soldiers who are practicing their hand to hand combat.
Accepting my invitation here, I walk under the large version of a door. I wasn't paid attention to, everyone else carried on with their own business as I took a stand next to where the weapons are kept.

Before fully shooting, I took a pair of earplugs to keep from rupturing my eardrum. Just to be safe.

Lifting the first I saw, a Glock 17L, I willfully walked toward the targets and pointed it with my right arm out, and my left to the side. With it once aimed to my desired point, I shot. Striding to my left, I continue shooting at the targets until I reach the end.

Taking a step back, I admire my skills in aim. I aced each target by shooting perfectly in the middle.

I stopped, once realizing that everyone around me was no longer minding their own business, but watching me.

"Nice job, Phoneix." A gruff voice compliments, turning I see it to be Ironhide. With Sideswipe standing beside of him.

"Man, I knew she could fight, but really? This well?" Sideswipe adds.

"Eh, no. I may be good at aim, but I'm lacking when it comes to actual combat. All I've fought is giant robots 50 times my size." I retort, with a slight laugh.

"Ha, you know, not many have a story such as that." Lennox begins, strolling up with papers filled in his hands. "Woah, you did that?" He questions, staring at the targets I had just shot at.

"Yeah," I reply shamefully, rubbing the back if my neck. "Although, that's all I'm really good at. I used to practice back at.. Home." My voice cracked at the thought of my home.

"You built your own weapons, correct?" Sideswipe asks with a smile.


"Which means you could help in the construction of some of them, right?"

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