Chapter 12

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They were surrounding us, robots, giant robots that came out of nowhere. My mind raced as I turned around to see Shaun and Tanner racing beside of me, both having a tight grip on my hand. Our parents...Aaron, Caulan, are gone. Lost to those monsters.

Everyone around us were shuffling out of the way, tripping in every direction. Trying to stay out of there way. Who would have ever expected giant alien robots to invade Earth?

This was supposed to be a family vacation, not our death sentence.

Racing to a safe spot, the feeling of large footfalls could be heard from behind us. Turning, to see none other than one of the robots, aiming what looked to be a gun straight at us.

"Run!" Shaun called out, tugging at my arm, pulling me along.

In the midst of our running, and our cries, the weight on my hand was lifted as Tanner had let go. "C'mon!" I yelled, only to see him curled up on the ground in pain. Shaun was the first to reach him, I second and I kneeled next to his ankle which he had his hands wrapped around.

"We can help you, please, lets go." I pleaded. Only to see him nod, no.

"No no! You're my brother! I am not leaving you here, no. Not ever." Shaun yelled, only to get the same response.

"I'll only slow you down! Run! He's coming."

Glancing up, he was right. He was coming from just right around the corner. I shook in fear. We were going to die...

Tears slipped down my face, I can't loose another brother. I already lost two, and my parents. No.

Shaun had made up his mind. He grabbed my hand and dragged me along, despite my screams. "No, Tanner!"

"Listen, we have to go!" Shaun cried.

I couldn't look back though, no matter what. But I heard him, he screamed.



"Tanner!" I yelped, jolting awake in an instant. Tears streamed down my face as I curled up into the brown, rough sheets.

The mattress itself was uncomfortable. Being only a mat, and the blanket felt like just a sheet. The material rubbed up against my skin and it was not comfortable, what so ever.

I was hopeful the dreams had gone away by now, why have they come back? It's been almost 4 years. I'm fighting for them, and I haven't given up. Why was this happening?

Shaun died as well shortly after. Protecting me of all things. We ended up running into three more, some that had transformed from what had been soda machines. Once catching up with us, we ended up at a dead end in an alley. We decided on climbing a ladder to safety, which we did, but Shaun didn't make it.

The top of the building wasn't any safer, for my first sight was of a boy about my age running across the surface with what looked to be a cube. Hiding, I watched as he attempted to hand it to someone in a helicopter, but was only to be shot down by the Decepticons a few moments later. "Hang on Sam!" Is what I heard someone call, it had sounded masculine but at the same time robotic.

Next thing I knew, a larger robotic being, scarier than the rest was emerging from the roof of the building, as if he was searching for the boy. Whom I presumed to be 'Sam'

Changing my position a bit, I watched as the nightmare played out, the monster had been looking for the boy. And he needed whatever he had. "Give me the Allspark! And you may live to be my pet," he demanded.

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