Chapter 8

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I guess I was granted a suite, to say the least. Now it's nothing great but it is the military after all. If I had to guess, most of the military had homes outside of this place, and that's where they stayed when not here. Although, I don't understand who would want to stay here full time, considering how small these rooms are.

Examining the room: to the left is a small, twin sized bed while on the right is a wooden desk. Set on top of the desk there is a high tech computer, strategically placed so I would know when all security problems are happening. I would have preferred my computer, but to them, that doesn't fit their system.

I've been pondering if I'm going to fight alongside the soldiers during battle, seeing as I have some fighting skill. However, N.E.S.T might not think my fighting technique is proper for real war. I would like to help though, or atleast help other than with just the computer complications.

Today, we spoke about returning to my home. I'm surprised they are allowing that, to be honest, but maybe it's because they want to see of anything else I built. Or see my designs for bombs or my motorcycle. Either way, we are going and I'm quite excited. Getting to see my house after a week and a half, all my memories and dreams. Today should be a good day as well.

We should be leaving soon, and from what I saw, quite a few Autobots are joining along on this trip. Many that I haven't even met. From what I heard, from the whispers going around anyway, today is their day off from training. I've also been told I should be careful with two if them, Mudflap and Skids. From what Lennox described they are extremely childish and destroy everything in their path.

Hopefully they won't do anything too stupid on this voyage.

Stepping outside my door, I travel to the Autobot hanger to see if they are ready to leave. It does take awhile to get from Washington DC to Arizona, so they wanted to make sure everthing was set and okay to leave. Not that I particularly enjoy long car rides, I'm just ecstatic to see my house.

Walking through the tall doors, I wave to the Autobots who all turn to smile at me. I hop up each stairs to take a seat on a chair next to a computer, and put on a headset. Turning my face completey to the screen, I check once more to see if the virus had stayed deactivated. Which it did.

Startlingly me, someone had came up behind me and asked, "Anything new?"

"Er, no."

Turning to see simply Lennox.

"You look terrified. Calm down, we're about to leave by the way."

Nodding in approval, I turn back to the screen. Not looking away until it is time to leave for Arizona. I may be dreading the drive there, but the end point should be rewarding.


Half of the car ride was spent in silence, no exchange of words or anything. Awkward I will say, but that's not in my mind at all. My mind is filled of my family, and old memories. How beautiful my life was. It's funny, you don't think of everything you have until its gone. If I were to go back and say one thing, I think I would tell them all simply 'thank you' for all their great teachings I use to this day.

Currently, I was riding in a Black, GMC TopKick. Better known as Ironhide's alt' mode. Epps and Lennox came along as well, which was nice if them considering they are the only ones I know. It would've been strange if It had been just me and the robots.

Not that they would say anything rude or anything, I'm just afraid of going off on them. I'm afraid I still hold a grudge against them. Kinda hard not to, my family is gone.

It was a tragic loss, something that can't be undone, and something that would be extremely hard to be forgiven by just a simple 'I'm sorry.' There funeral was the hardest part, it was all closed casket, and all done at the same time. 6 funerals all at the same time.

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