Chapter 24

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Lying in the back of the jet, which was cramped to the point of extreme pain, I whimpered as I tried to position my arm in a more comfortable manner. The actual flyer, whom I believed to be Starscream, was driving at the highest speeds and high in the air. I could see the slightest out the window that was above me, and all that was seen was clouds.

"You could have atleast let me ride with someone that didn't have a small riding area, I'm cramped." I began, sitting myself against the seats.

"You could quit bleeding all over my seats." He retorts, unamused.

"Maybe, just maybe. This wouldn't be happening if your toad for brains leader hadn't dropped me. So, sucks to be you."

Grumbling, he stayed silent and began speeding up. Which our discourse gave me an idea. From my research on the Decepticons, I learned Starscream was second in command to Megatron. On top of that, what I had been told by Sideswipe was that he was an idiot and always wanted to overthrow him, becoming the leader of the Decepticons himself.

"You know, Starscream. I bet you could overthrow Megatron, and become leader of the Decepticons yourself. He is an idiot, after all." I mocked.

"Be quiet, human."

"So you do want to become leader? Everybody knows it, so why don't you just kill off Megatron to take the place. I'm sure he won't be missed."

"Shut up!"

"Fine, fine, I'll be silent."

I stayed quiet for the majority of the ride, thinking. I was probably being taken to their base in Arizona. The ship, Trypticon, most likely. The question was why the Decepticons needed me there. Sure, I had fought them in the past and they were not to happy with the injuries I had given me. It had to be more than that though, I was just a human after all. Just a human that happens to build guns and bombs that are quite destructive.

I am still carrying my gun, I can brag. My rifle stayed safely wrapped around my back while my hand gun was still in my boot; my hand gun always stays in my boot, no matter what, for safety precautions just in case a Decepticon or a human were to a attack me. The rifle isn't particularly great, its just a rifle. I did build it, so its something to behold but not as great as my bombs that I've made in the past.

I wish I could hack into Starscream brain now to make him turn around and take me back to N.E.S.T base. Having a computer with me at all times would be nice, during these sort of times especially.

Recalling the strange moment I had with Optimus a while ago, I was somehow able to see everything from his point of view. He never brought it up, nor did I think much about it. I could use that now, maybe to see where I was. If that was even possible so high in the sky. I should stay positive even in dark situations though, maybe the Autobots will be able to find me. Maybe if they weren't idiots.

Lying my head back, I mumbled, "You're an idiot, Starscream." To which he heard.

"Shut up you pathetic fleshling!"

"Hey, if I'm going to be stuck here you're going to hear what I think of you guys. The truth hurts, screamer." I pester.

He was silent, for the rest of the ride. That was, until we made a rough landing and he transformed around me. He laughed, grabbing me by my broken appendage and carried me through the sandy desert. I shouted at the now searing pain that was rushing through my arm, as he continued on his way, ignoring me.

Anger coursed through my veins, I could have sworn I could now see everything once more through his eyes. But, it was different this time. I could see codes, codes as if I was hacking back on my computer. They ran through my head, every which way. Running, moving to never stop. Then, it stopped to form an image. All coming together as a video of a battle scene.

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