Chapter 4

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Waking up this morning was less than pleasant, I would like to point out. I woke up with a searing pain all throughout my arm, and my back. I'm not so sure what the nurse had done. Although, she probably did just enough for me at the time so I could speak to the soldiers. I did anger them, though, so we'll see how that turns out today.

I'm also not too happy with the fact that I am currently being kept at the one building I hate: N.E.S.T. It's stressful, and I would rather be home. Although this team was created to defeat the bad side of aliens, the ones I fought, I still don't take a liking to the people who work here.

Not that I can't handle them. One thing I probably should be a bit suspicious about is myself ending up in prison, seeing as I did hack into highly classified files. That does happen to be a possibility.

My belongings are currently still in Arizona, where I was taken from my home. No time was given to me to pack up, I was never told how long I was going to stay or anything. So here I am, in the same clothes I was from yesterday, in the same dusty, old room.

My surroundings were made up of gray, cemented walls with about the same floors. The only things on the floors would be a simple sprung bed, a mat to sleep on, a lamp with a ceramic nightstand, and a bathroom door to the right of the entry door. Looks quite like a prison cell to me.

"Time to move, Optimus is ready to see you." A masculine voice tells me outside the door; he also sounds much like Lennox, who he probably is. But who is Optimus?

Walking to the door, I open it to see none other than Will Lennox. "Optimus?"

"Leader of the Autobots, he runs the group of aliens that arrived here." He explained once we began walking down the long halls once more.

"He supposedly runs these delinquents?"

"Delinquents? I don't think that's how I would particularly describe them, and I would advise you not to call them that around Optimus. He's not too pleased on meeting you, I would like to say."

"Yeah, and I would like to say I'm not too excited about meeting him either. So explain to me this, what crawled up his butt and died? Why does he hate me already? Normally, it takes at least a few minutes for people to get a taste of my personality."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure he got that yesterday." Lennox chuckles.

"I met him yesterday?"I asked in return, turning to face him.

"Yeah, he was the tall one you, irresponsibly, yelled at."

"Yep. Well, I had my reasons."

And with that, he gave me a frowned glance, before we entered back into the horror room I had been enrolled in the day earlier. The same cars from before were there, but with maybe a few more. I stepped forward, walking in front of the same semi truck, before it transformed, and kneeled.

"Phoneix Hunter Chaines, I am aware you have tampered with our human allies systems. With that, you have fought the Decepticons in secret for two years. Can you explain how all this began?"

So Decepticons, that's what they're called, I wonder if they all are given personal names. Looking down the question, I sigh deeply and cross my arms only to grimace in pain. "I can."

"Since you arrived here, or from what I know, I was caught in the middle of one of the battles. Now recall, this was my first fight; I didn't have field experience, no weapons or any self-defense was known to me. In the midst of fighting, I stopped running to notice a civilian in the grasp of one of the... Decepticons? If that's what you call them?" I look up to be reassured when he nods, so I continue. "Well, you see I don't particularly take a liking to seeing others hurt." Referring to my family, but that's definitely not something I'm mentioning to them just yet. Actually, better yet, something I will never tell these tin- cans. "So, I saved the innocent child. Sadly, I was caught in the process and that's when our quarrel began."

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