Chapter 20

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My alarm clock blared through my ears, and I jolted from my sleep instantly. My first thought was to just turn it off but then again, it would just do it again. Pulling out my small hand gun, I aim it at the annoying death ringer and pull the trigger. Blasting the plastic alarm clock to pieces.

Grumbling, I slid off the bed sheets and pulled myself up, only to hear the pitter patter of feet come rushing towards my dorm room. Someone banged on the wooded door and asked, "What was that?!"

"Me!" I shouted.

Stomping up to the door, not prepared for the day ahead of me, I opened it. Crossing my arms I began, "Can I help you?"

"We heard a gunshot."

"Yes, you have good hearing. Now leave."

"What was it?" Lennox pressed, looking into my room, and seeing the remnants of my alarm clock on the floor. "What..did you do?"

"I shot it."

"And why would you do that?" Another soldier chuckled.

"Because I wasn't ready for its crap, and I'm also not ready for yours either so you should leave before I do the same to you."

Lennox chuckles as the soldier frowned. Immediately, I slammed the door in their face and turned to clean up the mess and begin getting ready for anything boring day of hacking training at the N.E.S.T base.

Exiting my room, I stroll into the Autobot hanger and take a seat next to the seat at the computers. I had decided the other coders are rude, and don't care for my presence at the hacker room. In which, I determined I'll just work in the Autobot room instead, no one seems to mind. With head phones on, I can tune out everyone and get my work done just fine.

One person I truly cannot stand goes by the name of ''Steve Shirthouse'', he's an idiot. Always screwing up, and I have to fix his messes. Gah, I wish I could hack into his brain and make him jump off the face of this planet. Steve was also the guy who that came along with Lennox this morning when I shot my alarm clock. I believe he is in the medical room currently because I broke his nose, slamming the door in his face. He deserved it.

As a sigh escaped my lips, I begin my work only to be stopped when both Sideswipe and Bumblebee aired their way towards me. Squinting my eyes, I say, "Can I help you?"

"You challenged me to a race. Still up for the challenge? Crossing his arms, he asked with a smirk.

Well, I forgot I had done that. Previously, during our recon mission when Sideswipe was kidnapped, I spoke of how my motorcycle is faster than his alt' form. But, it couldn't hurt to take my bike out for a spin.

"Why not? Never beat a robot at racing before." Switching off the desktop, I stood up and stepped down the stairs and went to my bike. Followed by Bee and Sideswipe who transformed shortly after and sped off, and I raced off towards them.

We traveled to a dirt, abandoned road far from the city. Upon stopping, I glanced around to see Sideswipe was on my right while Bee on my left.

"Ready. Set. Go!"

Racing the top speed of 237, I was beating Sideswipe and Bumblebee by a long shot, and I was getting closer to the end point. I doubt they had any idea I had supercharged the bike, considering I never told them or even spoke of it. I did say once I fixed it up, but they could have guessed I simply added weapons since during one of the battles I pulled a gun added to it.

The rifle is the only extra added to it other than the superspeed, and I didn't want to add to much to the bike. Seeing as I already had the helmet too. The bombs were all located on my helmet, which was easy because I always wore it to keep from my identity from being known.

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