Chapter 1: Gakuen High

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Romano's POV

I woke up early in the morning. It was because of that pasta-loving bastard being my alarm clock. Not to mention my older brother Spain invited Prussia and France over and he kept poking my face with a stick. "Wake-a up big brother Romano!" Italy exclaimed. I forced myself to open my eyes and smacked the stupid stick out of my face.

"Why are you-a bastards here?" I muttered pointing at France and Prussia. "Awe Lovino Vargas is being a cranky-pants today. Spain. Hand me a tomato," Prussia said. I groaned and got up. Only for Prussia to push me back down on the solid wooden floor. "Watch your-a language big brother!" Italy exclaimed. I muttered curse words under my breath and got up.

"Feli vhat is zhis?!" I heard a German accent outside the room. "Oh-a great. Pasta Bastard-a invited Potato-a Bastard and Fish-a Bastard," I said and went down the stairs. I clutched onto the rail incase France or Prussia push me down. I yawned and stretched in the kitchen and took my seat. Only to find Japan cooking in the kitchen.

"Rovino-San. I thought that carbs would be bad for a breakfast," Japan said. I sighed and poured myself a glass of orange juice. "Thanks-a Fish Bastard," I said quietly and took a sip. "Oooh! Kiku is-a cooking again!" Italy exclaimed happily and took his seat next to me. The bad touch trio sitting on the other side and Germany sitting on the other. I sighed and stared at my lap.

"What is-a going on big brother? I know your-a always down but-a I'm concerned by-a now!" Italy exclaimed. "You should at reast try and cheer up, Rovino-San," Japan said as he served nikugaja with a side of chopsticks and a fork. "Says the-a bastard that-a shows no-a emotions," I said picking up the fork and stabbing it in the food. The room was suddenly silent. "This is why in my prace we use chopsticks," Japan replied and served the juice.

I picked it up and stuffed a forkful in my mouth. "Better than-a England's cooking," I said. Germany stood up. "Vhy are you so negative?" Germany asked. I shook my head and chewed my food. "If you-a want big brother, I can introduce you-a to some-a girls!" Italy exclaimed excitingly. I sighed and finished the rest of my food and gulped down my drink so I wouldn't have to sit at this table anymore.

Everyone in my family had a group but me. Italy had the newspaper club, Spain had some sort of group with his friends called the "Bad Touch Trio" which are really popular with the girls. Me? Nothing. I don't fit in a category. Swimming, gourmet food, witchcraft, music, nothing! Though I think that Switzerland's "Leave-Me-Alone" club would be fun.

I walked away silently and got ready for school putting the same song on replay over and over again. "When's Grandpa Rome-a coming?" I asked myself and got rid of my bed head and forced myself to wear tacky school uniform I had to wear.

He said he would come back after his visit to Germania. Why isn't he back yet?

Belgium's POV

I waited as my alarm clock rang. I got up and stretched and yawned as I snoozed my alarm. "Miss Bella would you like to go to the kitchen or have your breakfast in bed?" The maid asked. "I'll go down to see my brother, Herman!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face. I got rid of my bed head though the maid offered to help me. I shook my head as I finished combing my hair and climbed down the stairs seeing that two plates of waffles were there. One already half-eaten with Netherlands eating silently. I gladly took my seat next to him as I ate my waffles.

I didn't really like talking to Netherlands. He would always bring up what expensive items he got and would trade them in for money. It almost felt like thievery to me. "Good Morning brother!" I exclaimed happily and ate a piece of waffles and took a sip from my glass of milk. Netherlands was just eating silently and at the same time counting the money he earned.

I sighed and ate my delicious waffles in peace. I love talking with Hungary and Seychelles but it's always quiet whenever Netherlands is here. It's peaceful but I'm not very used to it. After I had finished my breakfast I walked up the stairs and out on a blouse with a plaid red jumper and white high-knee socks with blue Velcro shoes. I got my green headband and put it on my head. I sighed as I took my backpack and walked to the school with Netherlands.

I saw as there were groups of people already walking to school. "Wow and I though I got up early!" I exclaimed and looked at Netherlands, who was silent. What I hate was that he was always smoking. I sighed and saw as everyone on school grounds either in pairs or groups. I wanted to be part of the Gourmet Food Club but apparently my waffles weren't good enough.

I sighed looking at the ground walking around the school when I bumped into someone. There was a red liquid on my jumper. "I-I'm-a sorry," he said in a neutral tone. I looked up to see him as our eyes met. He had brown hair with a curl on his left side. He wore Gakuen school uniform.

Before I could respond Netherlands took out the cigarette from his mouth as white smoke puffed in the air. "Vargas. Let me see your hand," Netherlands said. The Vargas brother hesitated and muttered some curse words before refusing. Netherlands took it by force and he winced. He unrolled his sleeves uncovering blood-stained bandages. Netherlands unwrapped the bandages only to reveal what looked like almost a hundred slits and cuts from his wrist to his elbow. I couldn't help but gasp silently.

H-He was suicidal...?

Netherlands completely ignored it and gave him a cigarette burn. The guy in brown hair winced in pain and clutched his arm tightly. "Ugh you-a bastard!" He exclaimed. My eyes widened as I looked at Netherlands. "Don't bully my sister by throwing tomato juice at her," he said in a neutral tone. "It was an accident!" I exclaimed. Netherlands scoffed and walked away.

I looked at the brown-haired Italian in pity. "Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" I asked him. The school bell rang as he shook his head. He shot a glare at brother who acted like nothing happened.

He sighed and started to remove his blue sweater and handed it to me. My eyes widened as the blue sweater was in my hands. "Why are you giving this to me? You care about a stupid tomato stain but not you?" I asked. The Italian forced a grin.

"You have more to live for than me."

He started to disappear in the crowd of students. My eyes were traced to the blue sweater in my hands. The tomato juice would be hard to get off since my jumper is dry cleaned. So I hesitated a little before putting on the blue sweater.

He was suicidal. That's for sure...

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