Chapter 13: First and Last Fight

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Belgium's POV

"What your big brother doesn't pick you up anymore?" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly stopped walking and looked at the familiar Spanish man behind me. Still wielding the axe I remembered from the age of 10. "'Sup bull fighter," I said. Spain laughed. "Fusososo! You've been around Lovino so much your sarcastic like him!" Spain exclaimed. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked.

"I was actually still hoping if my chica wanted me back still," Spain said. I crossed my arms. "Antonio, I'm dating Lovino, okay? Besides, I don't want to get hurt again because of you," I said. Spain frowned as I walked off.

"H-Hey! Bella!" He exclaimed and put a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and continued walking. "Lovino's a nice man. And you know what? I'm trying to get along with a former childhood friend even though you were my ex, okay? I want us to be strictly friends. Got that?" I asked and walked faster.

But of course, Spain wouldn't let go. Instead, he wrapped his arms around my waist in the form of a hug behind my back. "Hey! What are yo-" "Please! I'm desperate and I miss you!" Spain exclaimed.

"Stop that fratello."

"Lovino!" I exclaimed as I exhaled deeply in relief. Spain let go of me and walked away. Romano had punched him in the stomach first before he went. My eyes widened as the Vargas protectively put his arm around me. I comfortably walked on the sidewalk with Romano.

"I'm never letting that-a bastard near-a you again!" Romano exclaimed. I sighed. "But isn't he your brother? And why can't we be just friends?" I asked Romano. He stopped walking and put his arms down, he faced me with an angry look on his face.

"Your saying that you want to-a be near that bastard while he'll-a try and kiss you behind my-a back?" Romano asked. I shook my head. "That's not what I meant! I just don't like it when I don't get along with other people!" I exclaimed. Romano clenched his fists. "But why-a him? Why-a Antonio? What if you-a choose him over-a me?!" Romano said, practically arguing with me.

"I knew this would happen one day..," I said. Romano grit his teeth. "What would-a happen, huh? Maybe you were about to-a choose him over-a me!" Romano exclaimed. "No! I swear that I wouldn't! Romano he hurt me and he was trying to get back together with me!" I exclaimed. Romano sighed. "Then why would you want to be-a friends with him if he-a broke your heart?" Romano asked, trying to act as calm as possible.

"Maybe have a fresh start? Lovino I can't hold a grudge against anyone. It's my nature," I said. "Then, can you change it? Who-a knows Antonio might do-a something bad to you!" Romano exclaimed. Tears started to appear at the corner of my eyes.

"Your saying... You want me to change? B-But I thought you liked the way I was," I said and bit my lip. Romano's eyes widened as he started to calm down a bit. "Ragazza that's not what I-a meant. Your-a one of a kind. I want you to-a stay how you are," Romano said. Tears rolled down my cheeks as my eyes turned red and puffy.

"THEN WHY WERE YOU TELLING ME TO CHANGE?!" I yelled at Romano. I clenched my fists and started sobbing. "If you loved me you would tell me not to change! But here you are, telling me to change my nature," I said. Romano suddenly grew quiet. I started to chuckle a little.

"You know, maybe I should have gotten back together with Antonio."

Romano's eyes widened. I tried to wipe my tears away but I couldn't help myself as I continued crying. "H-He loved me the way I was. He wouldn't tell me to change. He would have told me your perfect or something in Spanish. But, you? Nope. Nothing," I said and crossed my arms from the cold wind. Blowing. Romano finally spoke. "You know I-a didn't mean-a that-"

"THEN WHAT DID YOU MEAN?!" I exclaimed as my tears fell to the ground like rain. Like there was a sad cloud above me raining soggy waffles. Romano gulped and stood tall. His eyes filled with guilt on what he was about to say.

"If that's what you-a want, then you should-a get back together with-a him."

My eyes widened as my tears lessened. Even tears glistened from Romano's eyes. Refusing to fall. I swallowed back my tears and wiped the ones off my face. "You know, maybe I will," I said and took off the blue sweater I was wearing. I chucked it at Romano and walked away.

"Take it. I don't want anything to remember you by when your dead."

I walked away faster, hoping that he wouldn't catch up to me. Guilt struck in my heart as I walked faster. I reached my large house when I noticed the maid was cleaning the front porch. I sat on the porch steps and silently cried as I looked at the sky.

It's so...boring.

All I could think of was Romano. I don't want to get back together with Spain. I thought that Romano could be the one person to cure me from this heartache. But no, now I know how him and Spain are related.

"Miss? Are you okay?" The maid asked. I nodded and wiped away my tears, nodding as I stood up. The maid looked at me with concern. She put her cleaning stuff to the side and handed me a handkerchief. "Thank you," I Ajax and wiped my tears with it. "Miss, please tell me what's going on so I could possibly help you," the maid said and sat next to me on be porch steps. I had done the same and told her everything about the fight.

"... And please don't tell Herman," I said when I was done explaining. The maid had smiled and nodded. "It's only your first fight. You should make up. I mean I'm sure he deserves an explanation," the maid said. I shrugged. "Your probably right. I'm just scared of getting hurt again," I replied and stood up. "Don't be. He seemed decent when he came. You should go up to him," the maid said bad picked up her cleaning supplies.

"Thank you again," I said and walked away from the house. Passing by tall buildings and whatnot.

Self-Inflicted Achromatic (Romano X Belgium)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ