Chapter 2: Encounter

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Romano's POV

I muttered curse words in my brain while I wrapped my bandages again. "Stupid-a Money-Bastard (Netherlands)," I muttered as I just kept on walking and walking until I reached Mr. Germania's class. I took my seat next to the window on the far left corner. Stupid sun was in my eyes. I ignored it so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone.

That girl. The one with blonde hair and a green headband. Sister of Netherlands. Belgium, I think. Since when does she care about a low-life suicidal boy like me?

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt someone poke my cheek with a stick. "Big brother? Did you find-a Bella girlfriend?" Italy asked. I looked at him with blank and droopy eyes.

(Fact: Bella in Italian means something like "Beautiful")

"Her name is-a Bella," I muttered. Italy gasped. "You found a girlfriend! Big-a brother I'm so proud!" Italy exclaimed and hugged me. I quickly pushed him away. "Don't hug me you-a bastard," I said. Italy frowned and sat back on his seat.

I couldn't help but hear about 3 girls giggling in the front of the class. Two of them with a jumper and one with a blue sweater. Those were the girls that were going to date the Bad Touch Trio.

Hungary would date Prussia. Seychelles would date France. And Belgium would date that bastard of my brother, Spain.

I ignored them and waited blankly for Mr. Germania to come and teach us already. I got tired of waiting when it comes that everyone was having fun. He came a bit earlier than I expected. I cracked open my 1000 paged book and my homework from last night.

*45 minutes later*

"Okay your homevork for tonight is an essay or autobiography about your country. Any questions?" Germania asked. We all shook our heads wanting to go. The bell rang saying the end of class. I was the last one to leave when I stepped up to Mr. Germania.

"Oh, Lovino is zhere a question?" Mr. Germania asked. I shook my head. "I was-a wondering if you-a knew about-a where Grandpa Rome-a is," I said. Mr. Germania shook his head. "I'm not sure vhere he is. He came to my house zhen left," Mr. Germania explained. I nodded and picked up my backpack. "Thanks-a anyways," I said and left the classroom before he could respond.

Next class was was PE. Which was Mr. Germania's original position but he's taking over for the Social Studies class. I sighed knowing that he would have sent his own son to train this class.

"That-a bastard is going to turn-a this to-a military camp," I muttered to myself, knowing no one would listen to me. At least I hope so. "I sort of agree with you," I heard a female voice say. I looked at her and saw the same girl from earlier this morning.

"So your-a Bella," I said trying to not to use the word bastard in my sentence since she was a girl. She nodded. "I'm really sorry about my brother he's just like that," Belgium apologized. I nodded. "I'm used to it," I said and shrugged.

"You shouldn't."

With those words I stopped walking. I looked at her as she had sincere look on her face. She stopped walking and faced me. "You shouldn't get used to it. You should do something about it instead of letting him bully you like that!" Belgium exclaimed.

My fists were clenched in my pockets. I let out a breath and let out all my anger. "It really isn't-a part of your-a business. I don't want-a you to get-a involved," I said and walked away. I saw as Italy was flirting with other girls. Spain was with his trio. I sighed as I waited for the regular PE coach to come.

If anything I wouldn't want more people to get involved with my problems...

*after class*

"Lunch! Yay!" Italy exclaimed and basically ran to the lunch after he changed in his regular school uniform. Outside I got my lunch from my locker and walked to the back of the building where I usually ate my lunch there. I would never change that since rarely anyone sat to eat their lunch here.

But the same Belgian girl I saw earlier was sitting under a tree taking a nap. "That-a waffle bastard," I muttered and sat next to her under it. I got out my tomato and took a bite out of it. I was really hungry after PE. I tried my best to not to eat the tomato all at once. I swallowed and took another calm bite.

I looked at the Belgian girl as a container of waffles were sitting on her lap untouched over a social studies notebook on the bottom. It was her essay about her country. I ignored it and took another bite out of my tomato. I even noticed that she was still wearing the blue sweater that I let her borrow. I swallowed again taking another bite out of my tomato.

I felt something fall on my shoulder. My eyes widened as a blush had crept on my cheeks. I turned my head slightly to look that her head was resting on my shoulder. Calmly, I let her nap on my shoulder as I took a bite out of my tomato.

I looked at her. She almost looked like a sleeping angel. She was quiet and wasn't snoring like Prussia and France. I looked at her sleeping peacefully, almost jealous that I can't. My hand started moving as my feelings were controlling my brain. I stroked her hair gently quickly regretting it when Italy came.

"Big-a brother Romano? Is that your-a Bella girlfriend?!" Italy said with excitement. My eyes widened as I made an X sign with my hands as I shook my head. I saw as Belgium's eyes fluttered open and she woke up on my shoulder. She was half-awake as she looked at Italy and I drowsily.

"Oh good morning general waffle... Let me just sleep for a few minutes..," Belgium said and saluted drowsily. She wrapped her arms around me resting on my shoulder. My eyes widened as my cheeks turned as red as my tomato. Now I wasn't just letting her just nap on my shoulders. "Um-a, Bella, can you-a release me for a second?" I asked. She just smiled as her eyes were shut closed.

"No it's fine waffle teddy bear... You smell like tomatoes...," Belgium said in her own dreamland. My eyes widened as I looked at my younger brother for help. He did nothing. "Just let your-a girlfriend hug-a you!" Italy exclaimed. My eyes widened as her arms were still wrapped around me.

"I-I smell like-a tomatoes because I'm-a Lovino! Wake-a up!" I exclaimed. Belgium's eyes opened fully awake. She looked at her surroundings almost looked like she was going to faint. She quickly yelped and jumped up releasing me.

"I'm sorry Lovino! Crap I thought you were a teddy bear!" Belgium exclaimed. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her. "Um, how do you know my-a name?" I asked. Italy shyly raised his hand. "I thought your-a Bella girlfriend already-a knew your-a name!" Italy exclaimed.

"I'm still sorry, Lovi I thought that you were!" Belgium exclaimed. My eyes widened as she called be by my nickname. I was confused but at the same time a grin for me don my face as a small laugh escaped my mouth. "Your-a reaction was-a priceless!" I exclaimed.

I haven't laughed in a long time!

It wasn't long before the bell rang ending lunch period. I walked away like nothing happened. Especially how she hugged me.

I shouldn't like anyone. I shouldn't. I'm going to die anyways and I don't need anyone to miss.....

Self-Inflicted Achromatic (Romano X Belgium)Where stories live. Discover now