Chapter 9: Costumes

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Romano's POV

"Fratello your really-a going trick or-a treating?" Italy asked excitingly. I rolled my eyes as I was wearing a plain white T-Shirt with the words Don't Touch Me in black and grey pajamas. "Ooh I know a good costume! Wear naked and go around the streets. Believe me you get a lot of candy," France winked.

I glanced at Spain who was just doing his homework on the top bunk of his and France's bunk bed. "Who are you going Trick or Treating with?" Spain asked and flipped the page of his textbook, barely paying attention.

"Seriously. It's like you and Lovino switched bodies," France said. "That's what-a I said!" Italy exclaimed with a sad expression on his face. Spain ignored their talk and wrote something down on a piece of binder paper. "Just-a ignore him," I said avoiding any drama. Spain glanced at me with a smirk on his face.

"Your going with Bella aren't you," Spain asked and out his pencil down. I hesitated a little before telling him the truth. "Si," I replied. But Italy and France were suddenly silent when I replied to Spain. Spain was silent himself. He just chuckled a little before returning to his homework state.

Of course, Italy and France were back into their talking state. "This belle femme of yours seems to be special. Take my advice," France said. I raised one eyebrow. "Why would I-a want to be-a naked on the-a streets?!" I exclaimed. France laughed. "OHOHOHON your cherie will love it!" France winked.

"Big-a Brother France I don't think that-a Big Brother-a Romano would like-a that," Italy said. I crossed my arms for once agreeing with my stupid twin brother. "He-a should be a cat!" Italy exclaimed. My eyes widened.

"No! You-a stupid idiot!" I yelled and put Italy in a chokehold. "Ah! I can't-a breathe!" Italy yelled and whimpered. I sighed and let go of him. "Come on something that isn't-a stupid," I said. France actually thought for a moment.

"Have you thought of not being fully naked but wearing a G-string?" France asked. My eyes widened. "How-a perverted are-a you?!" I asked. Italy frowned. "I don't have any ideas.. Oh! How about a tomato!" Italy exclaimed. "I actually like that one," Spain said. I shook my head. "I still would-a look stupid," I said and Italy frowned.

"I'll just-a ask Fish-a Bastard," I said and walked out of the room. "His name is-a Kiku if you didn't-a know!" Italy exclaimed before I left. I walked back to school where the clubs were still going on. I reached a specific club.

Smart Asians Club

"What a weird-a club. And-a racist," I muttered and walked into the library. Of course, China was the lead of the whole club. I found Japan in his school uniform and reading a book. "Oh. Rovino-San may I herp you?" Japan asked. I nodded. He sat at a separate table and I sat at the same.

"How may I herp you?" Japan asked and took out an iPad. "Um, I'm looking for a costume for-a-" "Harroween?" Japan asked. I grit my teeth and nodded. Japan typed on his iPad and showed the the finishing results. "Take a quiz on 'What's your Harroween Costume'. It herps," Japan said. I shrugged and took the iPad.

*minutes later*

Tada! Your Halloween costume is a Roman Soldier!

"What?" I asked. Japan nodded and took away the iPad. "Sayonara, Rovino-San," Japan said. I walked of the library and walked on the sidewalk back home.

A Roman Soldier, huh?

Now because of that, I could now mostly think of Grandpa Rome. Well, it's the least embarrassing costume I would have gotten. "Hey!" I heard a girl call from behind. I looked to see Belgium there, without a costume on. "Hey-a Bella," I said. She smiled brightly. "Having trouble finding a costume?" Belgium asked. I shook my head.

"I just-a found one," I said. Belgium nodded. "What is it?" She asked, curiously. I sighed. "A Roman Soldier," I said. Belgium giggled. "How cute! So, your protecting me or something?" Belgium asked. I raised one eyebrow. "How?" I asked.

"I'm dressing up as an Ancient Roman Princess," Belgium replied with a huge grin. My eyes widened as I slightly blushed. I smiled and draped my arm around her and played with her hair with my hand. "Then your-a my Bella Princess," I smiled and kissed her ear. Belgium had suddenly wrapped her arms around me.

"It must be a pain..," Belgium said. I raised one eyebrow. "What are you-a talking about?" I asked. Belgium frowned. "He's dead, remember? One of the greatest empires to ever live," Belgium said. I sighed and nodded. Sort of bounced out of my happy mood.

But with Belgium here, the pain wasn't as bad as when she wasn't there and I got the letter when I was alone in the house. "Even though I'm-a part Roman. It's not like I can forget about-a him if he's-a running through my-a blood," I replied. Belgium nodded. "I'm also sorry about my brother, how he treats you like nothing," Belgium said. I shrugged. "It's-a fine. I think I-a told you that," I replied.

I opened the door to the house and went inside silently. "Boo!" Italy exclaimed suddenly appearing behind me. I flinched and looked at my younger brother who had a huge grin on his face. "Hey-a Bella! I'm going to-a be a vampire!" Italy exclaimed. I noticed that he was wearing a Dracula costume.

"Bonjour," France greeted. I noticed he was wearing nothing but a giant rose covering his... "Eek!" Belgium yelped. I quickly covered her eyes with my hands. "What the-a hell you-a bastardo?!" I yelled at France. France smirked. "It attracted your belle femme that you needed to shield her eyes from my glowing body," France had a perverted smirk on his face. I wrapped my arms around Belgium and shielded her eyes. "Bastard..," I muttered.

"Hey! Big-a Brother Antonio! Come-a here!" Italy exclaimed. "Huh?" Belgium asked. I put a large blanket over France and opened Belgium's eyes. I saw as Spain went down the stairs and wore what seemed like a pirate uniform. He had an axe with him and a sack for his candy.

"Hey," Spain said cooly and waved, like a friend would. Belgium slightly waved. "Hold on! You two haven't-a changed in your-a costumes yet!" Italy exclaimed. I nodded and went inside Grandpa Rome's old closet. I managed to find some Ancient Roman clothing in his large closet.

I left the closet and changed in my room and held a sword in my sheath. I looked a bit stupid in a skirt, but how did Grandpa Rome make it work?! I sighed and put my sword out for play and got out a potato sack that Italy had so many of them from Germany. I walked down the stairs, everyone was silent.

Of course, Italy was the first one to break the silence. "Ve~ you look like-a Grandpa Rome-a!" Italy exclaimed. I cringed when he mentioned him. Spain crossed his arms with a smirk on his face. "He would have liked it," Spain said. France cooed oddly. "Oh come on let me see that belle femme of your strut her outfit of a goddess!" France exclaimed.

Belgium descended down the stairs, acting regally like the character she played as. My eyes widened as I looked at her, acting like the princess she is. She looked beautiful even something as simple as an ancient dress. She looked at me and smiled beautifully.

"U-Uh I... Th-This is-a... Sparta?" I said and nervously chuckled and raised up my sword. Belgium just giggled. She stood next to me and held my hand. I flinched as a red blush formed on my cheeks. "Your supposed to be my hero, right, soldier?" She whispered in my ear. I bit my lip.

Belgium just cracked up into laughter and punched my arm. "Hey, ow!" I exclaimed. Belgium continued laughing. "You should have seen your face!" Belgium said. I smiled and linked my arms with hers. "You'll still be my-a princess, anyways," I said. Belgium smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Come on let's-a go! Candy! Candy! Candy!" Italy exclaimed and ran out the door. Spain's eyes widened as he took out his axe. "Feliciano Vargas! You are not going trick-or-treating without your older brother!" Spain yelled and ran after him.

"Wait! Antonio! I'm supposed to go with you and Gilbert!" France exclaimed and it was his turn to run out the door. I looked at Belgium and sighed. "This is a holiday for-a kids, Francis and your-a wearing that?" I muttered. Belgium giggled.

"We're still splitting the candy," Belgium said. I grinned and nodded. "Anything for-a my Princessa," I said and walked out of the house, locking the door. I started to celebrate this holiday with my Bella Ragazza.

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