You decide

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...your ex fiancé nick. He had known that you were with another guy and he got jealous. He was so mad when you broke up with him that he tried to kill you but you shot him in the knee before he could do anything.

It didn't kill him but it sent him to the hospital and then jail for assault.

But this just all happened so fast you didn't know what was happening.
------3 days later------
You apparently had been knocked out from your "accident" for 3 days. You woke up in a bed with only your underwear on and your hands and feet tied to the bed. You tried screaming for help but you couldn't because there was a gag in your mouth.

Nick walked in. "Well look who we have here. If it isn't the one who left me for that freak show."
You spit in his face defending dean. Ya after what he did he doesn't deserve it but you still love him.
Nick finally took the gag out of your mouth and you started to scream for help but before you could get the word all the way out, he covered your mouth.
"If you so much as even try to scream for your winchester I will make sure that he watches me tear out his heart."

"Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"
Nick smirks and uncovers you to reveal you in your underwear.
"Isn't it obvious?... I want you and I want to have a family with you... Y/n.. I love you."

You roll your eyes and try to get loose from the ropes. But you don't have any luck.
"Well... I don't love you. Did you call him yet? Is he on his way?"

"Yes I did. And he is on his way right now. I told him that I was a hunter who knew bobby and I found you lying on the side of the road. So I brought you here. Back to where we slept. Together. For years. Then you left me for that winchester joke."

" he's not a joke. He's is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even if he did cheat on me. I don't care. I still love him more than anything. Especially you!!!"
All of a sudden you see Dean behind Nick. He gave you the finger to his lips to be quiet so you decide to stall nick so dean can surprise him.

"But you know nick. Even though he did cheat on me, i guess It wouldn't hurt if you and I went out or something right?" Nick finally kissed you on the lips wildly and as much as you wanted to deny the kiss and push him off you couldn't because you had to help dean.

You acted like you liked the kiss and all of a sudden you feel nick being pried off of you and you open your eyes to see him being stabbed and him glow orange... HE WAS A DEMON??!!!

You look over to dean and see him standing there with guilt in his eyes. After a moment he finally came over to you and untied you.

You forgive him
You jumped up and gave him a big hug. Then you pull away and give him a kiss.
"I love you and that will never change y/n. I promise."

"I can only believe your promise if you do me a favor?"

"What" he asks
"Marry me?"

He looks at you with shock in his eyes.
"You see, I...I can't. Only because, I want you to marry me."

You nod your head and start to cry.
Sam finally clears his throat and you realize that you are still only in your underwear so you decide to get dressed. You decided to forgive dean because you love him. You always have and you always will.

You don't forgive him

You then start to get dressed. Dean tells you  he so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so

You still couldn't do it. You could not live with seeing that memory playing over and over in your head everytime you look into the man you love's eyes. You will always love dean. But you cannot go on like this.

"I'm sorry dean. But I cannot look you in the eyes and see you with that girl everytime. I love you and I need to know that you want to be with me. You are an amazing person but when you are ready to commit to a relationship and not go sleep with other girls on every hunt, call me. But for now, goodbye dean."

You walk out of the house and drive you old car from wen you and nick were together to the bunker get your things and leave to your aunts house that she left you in her will. You loved dean but, this was for the best.

Hey guys I am sorry this took soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long to write and it is kinda short but I had to think of an idea for what to happen in this chapter. Now I am gonna see if I can write a new chapter in my other books.
Thank you for all the votes comments and reads!!!

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