Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Once I parked the car, Chelsey and I made our way into the house. Once we got there we parted ways, me for Sebastian's office and Chelsey for the kitchen I'm guessing. Ever since she got pregnant she's had the hunger of a beast...

Never have any pie left in the house when she's around.

I walked up the carpet stairs and into the hallway. This house was the 'gang house' yet only Sebastian, Chelsey, Alec, Peter and me lived here.

I opened his office door and plopped down on a chair in front of his desk. He finished what he was doing and looked up at me and sighed, 'you're never going to knock are you?'

I shook my head. 'Not on your life.'

He chuckled and then got to business. "Okay I don't know how they have, but the Blood Roses have found out about her-"

"Wait about her being pregnant or moving in with her father?" I asked him curiously.

Seb and I were the only ones to know about the entire plan. The other guys wouldn't know unless they somehow pieced the puzzle together. Which I doubt it's a complicated puzzle.

"About both B. We can't keep her in the gang." He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't get how they're finding out about all of our plans lately!"

Lately any drug shipment or meeting has been raided by the Blood Roses. Anytime we have a meeting with a new contact, that contact is killed at the meeting place for us to walk in and find.

"I'm guessing we have a snitch."

He raised his head and looked at me, almost studying me for a minute. Like a solid minute, if he didn't have beautiful eyes I would have found it creepy. Getting ho he turned his back to me and looked out the window, sometimes meeting my eye in the glass. I got up, going around the desk to stand next to him. We stood there for awhile just looking out the window and thinking. I feel bad for Sebastian, this is a lot to take in. That one person in your gang, one person you trust, has betrayed you and especially like this.

All of a sudden I felt arms go around my waist and Sebastian pull me into him in a hug. Hesitantly I put my arms around him and he nuzzled his head into my neck breathed in and out. I just kinda chilled there. Honestly...not minding a bit! Seriously, I will be the first to admit that Seb is hot, he's my boss...but he's still hot. And he's still my friend.

I patted his back, "cmon Seb, it'll get better. We just have to find who it is."

He pulled his head out and looked down at me, "I don't like the idea that one of my men is a traitor, B."

I gave him a look. "Exactly how close do you think you are with ALL of the men Seb? Some of them, yes, but not all of them. It could be one of them that you just let join in the past few months."

I could tell that hit home with him. He let me go and went to his file cabinet, looking through all of his files. There were a lot. I'd really like to see the file on me, but I don't think you're allowed to. He has a file on everyone. And when his father was running the gang, his father had a file on Seb. So there's a file on everybody in the gang.

"Aha! B go through these. I want a report by the end of the week on all of them." He slammed the files on his desk and looked up at me. I took one look at the files and raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"There are at least 12 files there, one for each man,Seb! I'm not going to even get half of those done by the end of this week. Give me time and I'll get them done by maybe next week."

Sitting down on his desk he picked a pen and started writing what he had before I came in. "I don't care just get it done!"

I angrily picked up the files and left his office heading down the stairs to my office. Yes I have an office. If you've forgotten I am second in command. Opening the door to my office I set all of the files on my desk and got to work analyzing them.

I set about seven aside right away. These seven were in special assignment in Columbia getting contacts and trades with our Coke shipments.

Now I only had five to look at. All men and all could be our guy. I decided to just go one by one.

First there was:

Brennan Oswald. Who was in his late twenties working as one of our computer specialists. He was on the bottom of the list. He was kinda a geek and I've met him, he such a cutie. Hard to believe he'd be selling our gang out.

Zach Tyler. Complete asshole. A new recruit and a definite suspect.

Ainsley Retters. Newly hired but not suspicious.

Ben Zander. A hardass. Doesn't like following orders. Definitely a suspect.

And lastly, Xander Fielding. Newly hired but was arrested two years ago for breaking into the governments techno base.

Just great. This'll be so easy...sarcasm intended.

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