Chapyer 18

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Chapter 18

*Melanie's POV*

As Rebekah walks in the door I tell her to come take a seat, "We need to talk."

She sits down across from me and asks "What's wrong now Melanie?"

"You do know you have a soul mate right? You do also know that Damon Salvator is in love with Elena and will never love you." I tell her.

"Of course I know that." She says.

"Then why the hell are you sleeping with him? You have Matt! You have Matt and you decide to sleep with Damon? Can you please explain this to me, your my sister and I love you but I just don't understand." I tell her hoping she'll explain.

She looks down and takes a breath before telling me what happened. "It was the day after the ball, I was with Matt and we were having a good time and then he asked me more about the soul mate bond, so I told him everything I knew. He got freaked out, said he needed some time to think about it. But then he went with Elena, he went with Elena on some little trip and I just know he's still in love with her. That snotty little brat has everything , she has my Matt wrapped around her little finger."

"Oh I see, your sleeping with Damon not only to get back at Matt but to also get back at Elena." I say as I come to this conclusion. "Well it makes sense to me. Do you want me to talk to Matt?" I ask.

"No. I'll look desperate and pathetic if you do that." She sniffles a bit.

"What about Jeremy, I could get him to talk to Matt." I ask.

"No, just leave it. Let him love Elena, see if I care." She says getting up and walking upstairs.

"What the hell Matt Donavon?" I curse as I get up and walk outside the front door.


I step back from the door after I've rung it. There is a truck outside so someone is home. The door opens to reveal Matt's face. "Hey, can I help you?" He asks.

"Hi, Matt Donavon?" I ask.

"Who wants to know?" He asks.

"Oh you know, the sister of your supposed soul mate." I say as recognition comes to his face. "Ya so I'm here to tell you that your retarded. She's your soul mate, do you know how many people die looking for theirs? And you-you just get handed yours and instead you wish to go frolicking around with the little tramp Elena because your still not over her from when you dated her in grade 9! Grade 9 Matt get over it already. Rebekah is at home right now crying because she thinks her soul mate doesn't like her, do you know how sad that is? It's horrible, me and Jer got in a fight for a day and I felt like dying. How long have you guys not been talking, huh? Can you imagine how she feels?" I ask while ranting a bit.

"Actually yes I do know how it feels." He says surprising me. "When I first saw her I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world, then I found out we were soul mates and I thought wow, life's been so crappy these past few years I guess it decided I deserved to be happy. I was loving spending time with Rebekah, hell I was falling for her, it was just so fast pace I needed a break, just a tiny little time to think beau d's my head was getting all messed up, she's on my mind 24/7. Then I was going to go and see her but imagine my surprise when I hear that she's been with Damon at the bar all day, where I work. I work there and I had to see her flirt with another guy, then the stuff with Ric happened and I realized life wasn't being nice, it was giving me some more shit to deal with. I just needed to relax and do something and Elena let me do something. She let me break into someone's house and it was awesome. So yes I did see Elena and yes I did ask Rebekah for a break but she slept with Damon Salvator, he's the reason my sisters dead. Did you know that?" He asks almost crying at the end.

"Oh Matt." I say. "You need to talk with her and clear everything up. She needs to know and you need to hear her side of the story. You guys need to work it out or at least get closer. You know where we live, come by anytime Matt. I'll hopefully see you around." I turn around and walk down the driveway but as I get to the end I stop and turn back around to face him. "Hey Matt, she still talks about you every day. She hasn't forgotten about you." I then take my leave to go back home. What a shitty start to a relationship.


After my talk with Matt I went to the bridge to burn the remaining oak tree with Rebekah and Sage.

As it turns out Damon was using Rebekah to find out what she was snooping for, surprise surprise.

"I talked to Matt." I tell Rebekah.

"You did what?" She all but yells.

"Look-" I get cut off by the sound of tires squealing behind me. I turn around and Daemons there.

As he gets out of the car Rebekah says "Your grand plans always seem to get ruined, don't they?" She laughs.

"Sorry to disappoint you." I add.

"Again." Rebekah finishes before walking off.

Damon turns around and sees Sage. "You set me up."

"No. I'm just looking out for myself." She answers.

"I told you I'd save your creepy boyfriend!" Damon tells walking closer to her.

"And you lied to me Damon! The Originals are linked, if one dies, they all die. If I can get inside her head don't you think I'd be able to get inside yours?" Sage asks.

He then vamp speeds and has her up against his car, holding her by the neck. "I should end you." Damon spits out.

You see I could help her but I'd rather not, she's not only annoying but I know she can handle herself.

"I'm 900 years old Damon. You're not capable of ending me." She then reverses things up by pushing him into the hood of the car. "Do you really think that I would risk Finns life for one of your petty revenge fantasies?"

"Let me tell you something, your long lots love has a suicide wish. So wen mama wish linked them together in a spell, he's the one who volunteered to die." Damon underlines the die part while saying this which pisses me off, but not enough to step in.

"He wouldn't do that." Sage argues.

"He didn't want to live. Not for you, not for anyone. He doesn't love you, Sage. And when I do find a way to kill them, I'll start with Finn." Damon says while walking away.

I vamp speed up to him and snap his neck while saying "And I'll start with you."


I go to ring Jer's front door just needing to talk about today when Stefan barges past me on his way out. "Ok then." I say walking inside. I'm instantly hit with the smell of blood and freak out a little. "Jeremy!" I call.

"Mel?" Jer says coming down the stairs. I run and hug him feeling relived that he's ok. He pulls away and grabs my face asking "Mel? Mel are you ok?"

"I came in and I smelt blood and I thought-I thought you were hurt o-or worse." I stuttered out on the verge of crying.

He pulls me back in and comforts me until I'm a better.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Alaric." Elena says coming down the stairs with Meridith, his girlfriend. Except she has blood all over her.

A/N: hey guys sorry I didn't update on Thursday I was really busy cramming for school. Hope you enjoy.

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