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I'm sorry but I most likely will get some of these names wrong. Feel free to correct me. And I'm sorry it took me so long to update!

Chloe's POV
Aubrey's announcing the people who got in.
"The sopranos: Jessica, Mary, Lily. The Metros: Cynthia Rose, Stacie, Cory and the albaratos Fat Amy, Denise, Ashley and Beca." Beca looks around. Beca. That's her name. The beautiful brunette I saw in the shower, with a rocking hot body. "We shall begin by drinking the blood of the sisters that came before us." We where in the gym, lights off and candles lit up around us. Aubrey hands me the cup. Beca looks shocked.
"Dude, no." She says, her eyes going back and forth between Aubrey and me.
"Don't worry it's boons farm." I say with a wink. After they've all taken a sip I go back to the table and pull out my scarf. I had given the others their's earlier.
"Now put you're scarfs in you're right hand." Aubrey takes over.
"I, sing you're name," The gym is filled with them all singing their names, "promise to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of a Bella Women." They echo her.
"Promise to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of a Bella Women."
"And I solemnly promise to never have sexual relations with a Treble Maker or may my vocal cords be ripped out by wolves." Again, they echo her. I can tell they find this weird but it's tradition. "You are all Bellas now." The gym is filled with cheering and Fat Amy goes for the drink while the lights turn on.
"We did it." I say to Aubrey happily, meaning we did two things, not that she knows.
"Did we?" She says, still uncertain and unconfident.
Beca's POV
Later that night there was a party for all the Acapella groups to celebrate the new members. As we walk down the isle Aubrey says,
"Ladies, welcome to Aca-initiation night." We all kind of spread out.
"I don't know what I'm doing here." I say to the girl beside me. Fat Amy, I think.
"Living the dream." She says with a laugh. "I can't believe they let my sexy fat ass in." She walks away while I stay there. Off to the side and at the back, away from everyone.
"Beca! Becaw!" It's that idiot that keeps hitting on me at work. He can be funny, I guess.
"Oh my god."
"Do my eyes deceive me or are you a Barden Bella?" He's so weird.
"You're one of those Acapella girls, I'm one of those Acapella guys and we're going to have aca-children. It's inevitable."
"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're going to remember any of this."
"No." He shakes his head. "You're just blurry.
"You okay?" I ask with a laugh.
"You almost fall over? Can you stand up straight right now?" I push his chest so he tips backwards.
"See? You push me and I come right back." He pauses and thinks, which is probably harder drunk. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Sounds great." I say sarcastically.
"I'm gonna get you a drink, you need to be on this level." He turns around and climbs down the stands.
"Please be careful." I say as I watch him walk over the stands. Immediately, Chloe comes over.
"Hi." She says grabbing both my hands and standing on the row below so I'm a bit taller.
"Oh!" I say as she pulls me closer. I really don't like it, she's in my bubble.
"I'm so glad that we met!" I give her an awkward and really uncomfortable smile but I don't think she gets the message. "I think we're going to be really fast friends." She says, swaying a little.
"Yeah, well you saw me naked, so.." I give her a wink. She leans away but is still very touchy.
"Alrighty, I'm gonna get a drink," she turns around and goes down one stand, "this baby needs her jiggle juice." She says and wiggles her butt. I can't help but stare, sadly, I think she notices. "See ya later!" She yells as runs down the aisle.
"Make good choices." I say after her.

A little while later they started to play Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer. Jesse started walking up the stands towards me, holding two red cups. With what in it? I can only guess.
"Gotta keep your head up and I don't know the words but I don't care." He sings, if you could call it that in his drunken state. He hands one to me and turns around, looking down at the other dancers.
"This is awesome."
"It is something." I say a little awkwardly, really not thinking it's awesome at all.
"We are the kings of campus!" He shouts out and I look around, really wishing I was anywhere but here.

I'm not sure if it tells you but I try my best to edit and correct grammar and stuff as often as I type and I am going to get up another chapter for you guys since it took my soooo long for the other one. But if it says that others where posted before it, it just means I've edited it and no, you won't have to read it agin. I am going to try to upload more but we have exams coming and I have to study so...
I hope you enjoy the book.

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