First Performance

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Beca POV
"Turn it around, turn it around, turn it around," We all sing during our fist performance.
"T-turn it around, t-turn it around," and what can I say?
"Ahhhh." We sound great, even if Fat Amy is adding her own little notes.
"Turn the beat around. Love to hear her passion." But we look horrible.
"Turn it upside down." We are all completely out of sink.
"Love to hear her passion." The audience clearly doesn't like it.
"Turn the beat around." And these uniforms suck!
"Love to heart it, love to hear it. Love to heart it." And do not start me on how embarrassing this is! Why did I even join?
"Woah! Hey! Stop!" I guy interrupts us. What now? Isn't this embarrassing enough!
"I'm so sorry, Howey. I know we're not performance ready." Aubrey says, quietly to the man.
"I wanted the hot Barden Bellas. Not this barnyard explosion." He says, looking at us. "I'm not paying for this. Let's go. Come on." Aubrey looks shocked.

As we walk along the path Aubrey says from the back.
"Well, I hope you all remember how you feel right now so you'll never want to feel this way again. Chloe?" Chloe steps away from the group. "Chloe your voice didn't sound agularian at all!" Chloe looks away from her. Audrey's such a bitch! She's not the only one upset. "For serious, Chlo. What is wrong with you?" Chloe turns around. Dramatically, I'd say.
"I have Nodes." What are nodes?
"What? Oh my god." Aubrey says, taking Chloe's hand sympathetically.
"What are Nodes?" Quite a few of the girls looked shocked and upset, me being me has to ask what they are.
"Vocal Nod-jewels. The rubbing together of your lungs at an above average rates without lubrication." I only got half of that but by Aubrey's mood swing, I'm gonna say this is important.
"They sit on your windpipe and crush you're dreams." Chloe's dead serious.
"Isn't that painful? Why would you keep performing?"
"Because I love to sing..."
"Yeah, it's like when my lady doctor told me to stop having sex for six weeks and I did anyway." Stacie cuts her off.
"You should listen to your doctor..." Fat Amy says, Stacie just shrugs.
"The key is early diagnoses. I am living with Nodes, but I am a survivor. I just have to pull back, because I am limited, because I have Nodes." Fat Amy nods, and I kind of just stand there, awkward. I don't know what to feel, shouldn't she just stop singing? It'd save her a lot of pain. Even if she is beautiful.
"Chloe, this is horrible!" Aubrey says, anguished.
"Well, at least it's not herbies." Aubrey gives her a look. "Or do you have that as well?" Fat Amy asks, serious, I think. We head back to Barden. Aubrey extremely upset. I still don't see the big deal since she was singing just fine before but I don't know. I check the time, I have work soon.
We're stacking CDs...again. But Jesse is making it fun. He keeps putting the covers over his face. The first one was a baby. He was on the other side of the row and crouched down, putting the cover in front of his face. I give him a sarcastic smile. As we reached the gap between this row and the next, he put an Adam Lambert over his face, pretending his arm was connected like the picture. I smile but as soon as he pulls it away, I make my face go blank. Next he uses an eye, and I let out a little laugh, this time allowing him to see my smile. Cocking my eyebrow, giving him a really? look.

We reach the end and he puts a guy with crazy hair on. When he pulls it away, he's making the same facial expression as the picture. I give him a small smile but it's mixed with the really? look again.
"Jesse?" Luke's asks from within the booth.
"I'm starving, so could you?"
"You want me to get you lunch?"
"You should probably lay off the burgers, you're not going to be 22 forever." Luke lifts up his shirt, showing his hard abs.
"Yeah, I think I'm good."
"He's good." I say to Jesse, trying not to laugh. "You're good."
"And the chess match continues." Jesse says as he leaves. I smile with humour at Jesse. Once he's gone I turn back to Luke.
"Ah, hey. This is new mix, so if there was anything you wanted to play.."
"Yeah, sure.. I'll put it on the pile."
"Okay." Yeah, he hasn't listened to anything yet.
I saw my dad walk into the dorms area and immediately turned around. I'd decided to take his advice and study on the lawn.

I found a relatively empty area and sat down on a blanket. I hadn't been sitting long when who turns up? None other then Jesse.
"Hey." He says as he throws a juice pop at me.
"Oh, hey." He lays down his blanket and sits.
"What's this?" I ask.
"As much as I love spending time with you stacking CDs and I do, I love it, more than life. I figured we could do some other fun things that don't want to make us kill ourselves, right?" He says as he starts unloading his backpack. "So I brought some movies," Oh, no. "Jaws, E.T, The Breakfast Club, Rocky and some others." I give him a fake smile. "That's what I want to do when I grow up, bring people to tears, make them cry. And I believe only music can do that."
"Yeah, you must really sweep you're girlfriend off her feet."
"Oh, I don't have a girlfriend."
"What? You have juice pouches and Rocky!" I say, laughing a bit.
"Ok, so what do you wanna watch first?"
"Wanna do something else? We could relive my parents divorce, visiting an anticollegist." That means I don't want to be your girlfriend, even if you are pretty awesome.
"What, do you not like movies or something?" I don't answer just suck my juice pouch. "Like, any movies? What the hell is wrong with you? How do you not like movies? Not liking movies is like not liking..puppies."
"They're fine, I just get bored half way through and never make it to the end."
"The endings are the best part."
"They're predictable, the guy gets the girl and that kid sees dead people and Darth Vader is Luke's farther."
"Oh, right. So you just happened to get the biggest cinematic reveal in history?"
"Vader in German(Dutch) is literally father," I say with a smile."Darth Vader's name is literally Dark Father." I get stop smiling at the end.
"Huh, well now I know why you don't like fun things. You know German." Wow." You need a movie education, you need a movie-cation. And I'm gonna give it to you."
"Yeah, in between Bellas rehearsals, which are, always." He looks at me seriously.
"Are you guys getting ready for the riff-off?"
"What the hell is a riff-off?"

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