The Riff Off

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Chloe POV
Tonight was the riff off. We hadn't explained exactly what that was to the girls but I'm sure they'll get the hang of it. We were having it in this giant emptied out pool. Acapella groups in it and the spectators around it.
"Hit it." Said the overweight guy from auditions and the sirens went off, alerting us that the riff off was about to start. Everyone starts cheering.
"Welcome to the riff off!" He yells and the cheers get louder. "Who's ready to get vocal?" We all shout. "The winners get the greatest prize of all, the microphone used by Hoover stank when they rocked out at the art centre!" I looked over to Beca to see if she was enjoying it so far, only to see her talking to Jesse. I really have to keep my eyes on them. I don't want them to become a 'thing'...only because I don't want Beca to get kicked out...right?
"Let's see our first category." I turn my attention back to the front. He has a little device in his hand and he faces it to the wall of the pool, clicking a button. A little wheel lights up and spins. Audrey's nervously taping her finger beside me muttering,
"Come on, come on." The wheel stops and he turns around.
"Ladies of the 80's!" Aubrey runs, as fast as she can in high heels, toward the middle but Bumper beets her there with three of his goons.
"Oh, Micky you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey, Micky! Hey, Micky! Oh Micky you're so fine, your so fi.." They get cut off.
"You're so fine, and you're mine. I'll be yours till the end of time. 'Cause you make me feeeeel, yeah you make me feel, all shiny neeeew! Like a virgin," Aubrey turns to me and whispers to me about a song, I agree, she then turns to the rest of the group. "For the very first time." Audrey's walks over to them.
"Like the women in me, that's OK. Let's see how you do it, put up you're boots let's get down to it." The girls start joining in. "Hit me with you're best shot, hit me with you're best shot. Why don't you hit me with you're shot. Fire away" A girl gets up and walks over to us. She cuts Aubrey off and we all take a step back.
"Hey, it must've been love, haha, but it's over now," Everyone starts laughing. "It's over right now." The judge cuts her off.
"These are the side affects of medical drugs everyone." He raises his hands "You are," everyone joins in, *clap,*clap* "cut off!" Some people laugh.
"Let's check out our next category." As we head back Beca asks me,
"So we just pick any song that works?" I nod.
"Yeah." I'm so glad she came to me for help! She looks so cute as she slips a piece of hair behind her ear.
"And you just..go with it?" It's like she doesn't believe me, aww little Beca doesn't want to embarrass herself.
"Mmhm." I nod but she's already looking at the wheel. I wish we could talk more but we are in the middle of a riff off.
"And the next category is," he turns around. "Songs about sex." The Trebles start walking forward but Cynthia Rose pushes through the group and starts singing before they can.
"Na na na, come on, na na na na, come on," we all start to join in, "come on, come on."
"Ba, Ba ba, ba baba ba ba." Stacie walks over to her and Cynthia starts grinding on her, a little inappropriate especially since I don't think Stacie realised it.
"'Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don't care I like the smell of it. Sticks and stones may brake my bones but changes with excitement." We're a bit better then I thought we would be, Aubrey would think a lot, would better fit that description.
"I like it, like it..." One of the Trebles cut her off.
"Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me." The others join in. Stacie doesn't follow Cynthia back to the group she just crosses her arms. "Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that can be." I turn to Aubrey,
"Maybe you should go get her?" She just nods and walks over to Stacie. "Let's talk about sex." Aubrey grabs Sracie by the arm and starts pulling her back. Stacie, grudgingly, follows but she stops half way.
"Stacie we gotta..." Stacie puts up a finger and walks back to the Trebles. "Alright, baby." Stacie cuts them off.
"All through the night I'll make lot to you, just like you want me to." And just as we were getting into it, none other then Jesse cuts us off.
"And I guess that's just the women in you, that brings out the man in me." He points to Beca. This infuriates me. How dare he? I will not allow Beca to fall for this thing, she rolled her eyes which helped, until she smiled. "I know I can't help myself. You're all in the world to me." She's trying to hold back a smile. "It feels like the first time." She gives a sarcastic kiss to him, which I smirk at. "It feels like the very first time. It feels like the first time." Beca bites her lip and runs out. Go got 'em shorty!
"It's going down, paint it black with the homies," and she's rapping! She's AMAZING! Oh my god I never knew she could rap. I don't know much about her at all. "Bump like acne, no doubt, I put it out. Catch me straight up, tell me who can be like drake. Taking moves and a magnet giving.." She notices it got really quiet. "Still moving flavour with the homie and black teddy, the original rump shakers." She says to everyone. I reckon she was amazing but I dont know if rapping it allowed or not.
"Keep going." I heard Jesse tell her and I practically seethed.
"Shotty get down, good lord." Some people cheer so she continues. "Baby got 'em open all over town." Fat Amy joins in, obviously knowing the lyrics. "Strictly bitchy, don't play around. Cover much ground, got gained by the pound." At pound Fat Amy slaps her stomach. We start to join in. "Getting payed if a forte. Each and every day two play away. I can't get it out of my mind. I think about the girl all the time." Wow, we were rocking this thing. "I like the way you work it, no diggity, got bag it up baby." The people around the pool also join in by clapping. "I like the way you work it, no diggity, I gotta bag it up baby." Soon everyone's joining in. Except, of course, the Trebles. "I like the way you work it, no diggity, I gotta bag it up baby" Beca stops singing and laughs. "Gotta bag it up. I like the way you work it, no diggity, gotta bag it up baby." Beca reaches the middle and we all surround her. "I gotta bag it up. We out." We all finish and the pool erupts into applause. "I mean, you're welcome." Beca says to the Trebles. That was awesome but I have a feeling Aubrey was not impressed.

Beca POV
The judge walks over to us, hands on hips.
"It's a tough blow ladies." What's a tough blow? "The word you needed to much was it and you sang it's." There were shouts of protest from everywhere. I scoffed, not really believing it. "You are," *clap* *clap* "cut off!"
"Are you serious?" I ask, still not believing it.
"The Trebles win!" They start to shout. All except Jesse who was apologising. Okay, Jesse is a nice guy, who is funny and cool but I don't want a relationship.
"I've never heard that rule!" Aubrey shouts. "Ladies, ladies, come on. Come back." She turns around and we follow her, for some reason. "Before you go to bed, I want all of you to make a list of what you've done wrong." Pff, yeah right. Amy comes over and says to me,
"I'm gonna melt that cabbage patch kid." I smile at her, guessing she's talking about bumper. There's a little rivalry between those two. I turn to the group.
"Guys what we just did was great, right?" It was.
"Calm your pits Beca, we still lost." Aubrey says to me. I won't get dragged into this. I will not be blamed.
"Yeah, but it was spontaneous, it was awesome we were actually listening to each.."
"Okay, everybody," of course she cuts me off! "Hands in, ahh on my count."
"On three or after three?" Stacie asks.
"After three." Says Cynthia Rose. There were multiple ons and after.
"We just do it!" Aubrey snaps, obviously a bad looser. I still can't believe she won't let me have my say in this group, anybody's say. Stacie sighs.
"Why can't we figure this out?" Aubrey gives up and leaves. We all do the same. Chloe comes over to me.
"I just want to tell you, you were amazing out there." I plaster a fake smile on and say thank you. I don't want to hurt Chloe's feelings, she's too cute for that, but Aubrey really pisses me off. She looks down, a little embarrassed. "Aubrey was my ride but she's not in the best mood right now so.." Chloe wants to ride with me? Out of all people? I sigh.
"Yeah, sure." She looks up quickly.
"As long as it's no trouble!" She protests. I try to relax.
"No, no it's fine. I can't leave a friend stranded with an ass." I say and hop in, unlocking the doors.
"Audrey's my best friend, you know." Chloe says and she climbs in the passenger side.
"Yeah, well that's one thing we don't have in common." I start the car and start driving.
"Uh, where do you live?" I ask Chloe and she snaps out of her thoughts.
"Oh, uh, in the dorms."
"Okay, cool." At least I don't have to make a detour and have this awkward silence last any longer. After a little while Chloe blurts out,
"Do you like Jesse?" I look at her a little shocked.
"What? No. We work at the same place, that's all."
"Oh, okay." Chloe mumbles and looks back out the window. I shuffle uncomfortably. I can smell her from here. Strawberries. It's her hair. I only know that from the one time she hugged me, it was an awkward hug.
"What dorm number?"
"213." She says without looking at me.
"Sorry, I mean what block." She snatches a quick glance at me.
"Block C." Same block as me. Is that a good thing? I'm room 198, I didn't realise there were more levels. Oh my god, she's so cute sitting there, all embarrassed while I'm being harsh and cold. What's wrong with me?
"Okay, we're here." I say and park out the front.
"Okay, I'll see you at the next Bellas practice?" She asks before leaving the car. I shrug my shoulders.
"Yeah, I guess." She hurries inside. I start my car and drive to the back of the parking lot, hoping she won't see my car from there.

Sorry for not updating for so long! Starting to add a bit of my own spin to it, I hope you like it :D

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