A Walk and A Talk

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Beca POV
I walk with Chloe on the way back to the dorms. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not since the recent thoughts entering my head but..hey, I am only human. We are walking quite close together, our arms brushing every now and then.
"You were great tonight." Chloe surprises me by saying. "You really helped us out." I just shrug awkwardly, my cheeks colouring slightly.
"Yeah..well..I couldn't have done it without you." I say awkwardly, telling the truth. Chloe looks at me, curious.
"And why's that?" I start to smirk.
"Let's face it, I never would've gotten in without you. Aubrey hated me the second she saw me." I say with a smirk.
"I wouldn't say hate." Chloe grumbles.
"Oh, come on!" I say, "Alt girl this and alt girl that. You have no idea what you're doing, you're just a confused alt girl!" I say, trying to impersonate Aubrey in a bad mood. Chloe laughs.
"You've gotta admit that was terrible." She says with a smile. I give an exaggerated gasp and hold my hand over my heart.
"How dare you! I am the best impersonator this world has ever seen!" I say, for some reason adding a posh accent. We look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Okay, okay, it was pretty bad." Chloe smiles at me and casually puts her arm around my shoulders. "You're a handsy person, you know that?" I say, managing to keep the stiffness out of my voice. Chloe just shrugs.
"My nature I guess." A twinkle enters her eye. "Why does it bother you?" She repositions her arm to around my waist. "Make you uncomfortable, maybe?" She whispers in my ear. I feel the blush creeping up my neck.
"Uh..yeah actually, I like this thing called personal space, I doubt you've heard of it." I say with a strained smirk. She leans back and unwraps her arm. I regret mentioning it when her warmth disappears.
"Heard of it, no idea what it means." She says, a playful smirk appearing on her face.  I roll my eyes, a smile on my face.
"It's when there's space between you and a person. Imagine a bubble," I say and make a circle around me, "the size of the bubble is different sizes for everyone. It usually gets smaller the closer you become to a person, it's tiny when you're dating and practically nonexistent when you're married." I say, taking on what I believe to be a professors tone. I think for a moment. "Oh, and peoples bubbles vary, so..some people are okay with hugs with new friends but some not so much." Chloe looks at me in amusement, she then pretends to pout.
"That's no fun." She whines. I laugh.
"Yeah, well it's the truth." I say, smirking. A look in her eyes suddenly appears.
"Do you have a big bubble?" She asks, smiling. I frown slightly, not sure where this is going.
"Uh..yeah. Why?" I ask cautiously.
"So you wouldn't be comfortable with this?" She asks as she wraps her arm around my waist. My cheeks turn slightly pink.
"No," my voice squeaks and I try to clear it. "Not really, no." I frown slightly, "I don't think that's even on the bestie's level." She gives my waist a squeeze. I feel my blush deepen. She giggles as she unwraps her arms.
"You're so cute when you blush." She says, repeating the words from earlier.
"Yeah...well.." I mumble. The mood shifts as we reach the door to Block C. She turns to me, a serious look on her face.
"Why didn't you tell me you were living here after the riff off?" She asks, still serious. It's not very often Chloe's serious.
"Well, you walked in on me while I was showering, who knew what you would do if you knew where I lived?" I joke and rub the back of my neck awkwardly. I was wondering when this question would come up, especially since they were waiting for me in my dorm after I got arrested. I was kind of hoping she'd forget about it. A small crease forms in between her eyebrows as she frowns. My shoulders slump. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm not really sure why I did it but I barely knew you guys and...I don't know." I sigh. "It was difficult for me to join this group and I was just starting to trust you but..it's hard, you know? Trusting people is hard." I mumble the last part to myself. I smirk slightly, "And I like some time for myself, I know you can't keep away. I like to call it Me Time." I say, my smirk growing. She smiles.
"Well if you put it that way.." This is what I like about Chloe, I confessed something and it made me embarrassed but she didn't push it and just shrugged it off. She suddenly pushes me against the wall, hands on my waist, my breath hitches. "How could I ever stay away from you?" She whispers in my ear, pressing up against me. My breaths fastens. I can feel her warm, soft body against mine and I'm kind of scared of how my body is reacting to it. What the hell is happening? I'm blushing deeply and my breathing is uneven. Chloe takes note of this and smirks before stepping away. I try to slow my breathing. "You are too cute!" She says, pinching my red cheek. I try to swat her hand away, extremely embarrassed. She laughs and drops it. Chloe starts walking towards the door. "You have to show me those mixes sometime soon." She smiles and slaps her butt, just like she did at Hood Night. She's just full of surprises. I smile, I'm actually glad Dad pushed me to join a group, it turned out way better then I expected. Even if Chloe is confusing me right now, at least I have amazing friends, right?

Well guys, I hope you enjoyed! Please tell me how you are liking it in the comments. See ya next time!

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