Chapter 1

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When you really want to write but you don't know what to write about! This is madness lol I tried Twitter but I just don't get it so I'll be throwing all my random thoughts here that'll mostly be relatable to an African.

You wouldn't believe! I woke up this morning to the sound of Christmas carols and it's only the first week of November! To me it's too early but Im just glad it wasn't gospel music because then I'd know that I'd have to spend the rest of my day cleaning! Lmao!

Anywho I don't really have a topic for today so I'll just try and introduce myself.

-For those who don't know, I never grew up in Africa. I only came here like four years ago (not because I used to misbehave and my parents finally acted on those "I'll send you back to Africa" threats lol), really the reason is irrelevant

- I was born in a small country called Zambia in the Southern part of Africa.

-Even though I left before I could speak I still found a way to talk with an African accent.

-Growing up I called people older than me Auntie, Uncle, Grandpa, Grandma even when I wasn't related to them (thankfully I grew up with Indians and they do the same so the situation was a little less weird!).

-A lot of my conversations with people consist with a lot of animations i.e. they have a lot of sound effects like Eeehh!! Iyeee! Or that sound you make when youre your sucking teeth!

-I grew up on an island in the South Pacific, Fiji. There weren't many Africans there like there were probably about a handful in the country! So when you randomly bumped into an African somewhere it was like meeting Beyonce I swear lmao (never met Beyonce just guessing that the feeling comes really close!) And when you met these people you Automatically have a special bond with them! Even if they're from a different country in Africa you still find a way to relate to them.

-I do not own a Dashiki or a Wrapper/Chitenge (Zambian sarong) or any type of "African Clothing"
Lol this one I really need to change because if you are African and you are going to an event where there will be a lot of older generation-traditional-type Africans and you go to such an event without a "proper outfit" you will be labeled as pretentious or trying to be something you're not and I guarantee you will be the joke of the hour on their ride back home! Speaking from experience of course.

I can't dance. Lol and this is really sad because everybody knows that African music is life!! And one of the most positive stereotypes about African people is that we have rhythm for days!

Any who berries thats all u need to know about me for now. If you can relate then feel free to comment and tell me where you're from. Next chapters going to be on 'African Parents' ! Thanks for reading xox

Diary of an African child in Africa!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ