Childhood Memories: Primary School.

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Dedicated to: Kuwa17

Do you ever wish you could take a
single childhood memory and
blow it up into a bubble and live
inside it forever?

Though each and everyday of my life is remarkable and memorable for me, whenever anyone asks me what was the best and the worst moments in my life I say the days I spent in school!

Normally people hate school. Now I have come to the grim conclusion that I'm not wired like everybody else lol in other words I am just a tad bit abnormal. I say that because I was that kid that would sulk for an entire weekend just because I didn't get to go to school to see all my friends and teachers! I even hated holidays, a month was just too long to be away from my second home! *hides face*

I have to admit though I did share the same struggles on Monday morning's like everybody else.

On a typical day, my mum used to drag me from my bed around 0600 and just chunk me in the bath tub. I used to think that she was very cruel for giving me cold baths early in the morning to wake me up, I hated it! It kinda worked though..

I'd have breakfast a little
before 0700, and I'd ALWAYS have it in front of the television watching either Tom & Jerry or Popeye The Sailor Man lol those shows used to give me life and get me pumped for school!

After I was through with breakfast, mum would hand me my bag which inhabited my stationery, a packet of Nik Naks and a Pure Joy juice box(school ended at noon) and I was good to go!

Besides having to wake up super early, the other reason I hated Monday's was because that's the day we would have assembly.

Apart from being ridiculously long the awful thing about assembly is that we would have these crazy inspections after singing the national anthem and listening to announcements. The teachers would check to see if the students had the full uniform on, check to see if our nails weren't too long and if we had lice in our hair. Lucky enough I used to pass these screening and go to class afterwards. But the unlucky ones had to stay back for a really long lecture and their punishment would be to get on their knees, hold their ears and crawl to class which was about 100-150m! Then get mad at you for getting your clothes dirty! Lmao.

Belive it or not that was actually the best punishment you could ask for lol other bizzare punishments were lifting a chair over your head or lifting an "invisible chair" ,hitting you with a duster when you put your fingers together and squeezing a pen really hard inbetween your thumb and index finger.

It wasn't all bad though, I used to have so much fun at home (read:school) . Lol if you've never done or have been apart of any of the things I am about to share then you have not lived my friend.

1. Pen Fights.
Okay this was kind of painful but fun to play nonetheless. Basically the aim is to try and knock (or shoot like you would shoot a marble) your friend's pens off the table and be the last one left. I used to steal my dad's big heavy pens just to win the game and feel badass!

Speaking of marbles! Apart from playing with them, they were something to flaunt and exchange for a couple for a things! Lol I used to do the same with Tazoo's! Remember those?

2. I'm pretty confident that I'm not the only one who did this.
Flame and MASH. Lol so like when this game got hot there was only one girl who knew how to "tell us our future" and "test our friendships". She was like the gypsy of the class and we had absolutely no idea how she was doing it. We were just amazed by everything she was telling us and believed everything!

The wonders of a child can only be understood by the child.

I remember a bunch of us got so mad with our results. And when African kids get mad they say the weirdest insults, like "Look at your face." Or "Look at yourself" I don't know, there's something about these lines that would really make me think deeply about life when I got home!

3. The Brick Game.
If you had one in my class back then you instantly became an O.G ! Lol you were given as much power as Geoffrey in Game of Thrones.

Those are all the games I can think of for now lol

If I had to pick the highlight of my time in primary school I would say it was every time I had P.E ! We had so much fun and for the entire 4 years I spent at school in Botswana, I was 110% convinced that my P.E teacher was Martin Lawrence. No joke.

Hey Guys!
Sorry for the late update.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and as always your feedback is highly appreciated.

Feel free to tell me your treasured memories from when you were a young warthog! I love to hear your stories, they make me feel less of a weirdo so please lol

And I want to know that I didn't go through this alone lmao!

Oh votes and sharing the story would be great to ! Hahaha

Please and Thank you ♥

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