Essential Qualities of my ideal BF

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There exists a very particular breed of human in the world, one that merges the qualities of a pious individual and that of a devilishly handsome personality that you just can't keep away from. I don't know how they exist, I don't know what had to go askew to create such deep conundrums out of people, but I do know that they possess the exact set of traits that somehow also make it so easy for me to lose every bit of  socialization that I've gone through for the past eighteen years whenever their presence is felt.

The following qualities are reasonably undemanding considering my definition of the ideal boyfriend is very broad. I find good qualities in nearly every guy, but understandably have some special characteristics in mind that I'm looking for. The margins in my definition are so large that I am only able to put together an epitome of 8 qualities. Here's what I'm looking for in my way better half:

1. Able to hold a good conversation
Sorry I can't talk about Drake's new album, features of the new S7, where the next turn up is taking place and the struggles of daily life forever. I desire meaningful discussions in which we share our strong beliefs, passions, fears and all the ridiculous thoughts  occupying our minds. At some point I might deeply crave your opinion on who you will sit on the iron throne and development in Africa or lack thereof. The guy I decide to commit to must be able to articulate these views. If you can create, engage and end a conversation the right way then that's a sure-fire way you'll here from me again!

2. Capable of having more male friends than female friends
This is mostly due to negative experiences that I've had in the past and I have been avoiding the 'I make better friends with girls' guy. And it's always the same justifications with these guys. Admittedly my insecurities play a lot into this. But I think when you're in a relationship, there's no reason  for you to hang around 5/8 girls, all of whom have liked you at a point or still do.

3.  Passionate about things
No, your love Future and beer festivals don't constitute things you're passionate about. I'm immensely passionate about everything that interests me. I absolutely love to write; I write a variety of stuff.  I'm arguably too interested in Surviver and some good RnB. I love to read, travel and watch good RomComs and thriller films. The list could continue for a while. Clearly, as an overdriven yet extremely lazy person I have a lot going on in this obsessive-compulsive brain of mine. I need a guy with unique interests who is incredibly spirited about them. Hopefully he likes to read what I write and it'll be a home run. Bonus points if he does it while wearing glasses too.

4. Love to read
I just had to add some emphasis to this guys. A man who reads can teach me something new. A man who reads takes advantage of his free time. A man who reads is intelligent. A man who reads is ambitious. A man who reads values the opinion of others. A man who reads wants to know more than what people are willing to tell him. A man who reads is patient. A man who reads is...yoh!

5. Not a party freak
I naturally don't have an issue with someone who likes to have a fun night occasionally. But what I can't hack is a guy who feels the need to go out every single weekend. If that's your lifestyle, I can only feel sorry for you. Because to me, it only indicates you haven't found any real meaning in life.

6. Well dressed
For very obvious reasons,  I recently became obsessed with Jidenna. To be honest, looking nice as a guy really isn't that hard.  Y'all have so much potential and then you just squander it. I think style is a huge factor in who you're attracted to. My favorite threads on a guy are shawl collar sweaters, thick knits, patches on the elbows are a great touch and OMG suits! A guy who can't wear a suit is hard to look at. There are so many different styles that are striking to me . Honestly, as long as a guy knows his style snd wears it well then I'm a fan. But when a guy in a collard shirt has the top few buttons undone and rolls up his sleeves to just above his elbows to expose his forearms I melt to the floor. And this is probably the same as a cleavage effect for me. I just think it sends out 'free' vibes which is pretty cool.

7. Abhor the concept of how things "should be"
The very idea of living a normal life makes me want to drink bottles from under the sink. I have absolutely no desire to follow pre-determined methods of doing things and see through the ways they're terribly inept and unnecessary. My guy should have an in tolerability of "what's supposed to be" and be innovative with his own life and be less of a cliché.

8. Teach me something
I think anybody who can teach you valuable things in life is a gift from papa God himself. I love an intelligent human being. Notice I said intelligent and not educated. Street smarts outweigh book smarts any day. Just because you graduated from uni doesn't mean you're smart guys. But dear Lord bless the man with a degree. Anyone who would be able to teach me something using good home training, past experiences and gifts/talents is a treasure in my eyes.

Hey Guys!!
Thanks so much for reading this far! \(^.^)/
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Thanks again!
Much love

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