Pretty Girl Problems

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" The pretty ones are usually
unhappy...How can a person be content when their happiness lies in someone else's hands, ready to
be crushed at any moment?" - J. Cornell Michel

Disclaimer: I, while decent looking, am no drop-dead knockout like Adriana Lima but I'm no bridge troll either.

Being a pretty girl has some definite perks, like the preferential treatment in a variety of circumstances and a higher status in society in many people's view points for example.

But it also makes certain aspects of life difficult and sometimes painful. It's unfortunate but these feelings are pretty universal.

The following are the brutal, disappointing struggles unique to the pretty girl.. and me lol that I have experienced and would love to share.

1. People don't take your insecurities seriously
It's as if I'm not allowed to have issues with my appearance. I can't vocalize my insecurities without being blamed for fishing for compliments. And then you start to feel like you have to be pretty at all times and all places, and if you're not up to society's stupid standards then you're worthless that day. It's actually really sad, I find myself putting on eyeliner just to go outside to take the garbage out or something. The pressure is real. I don't wear a lot of makeup but I always wear eyeliner. I feel like it's the one thing that makes a dramatic improvement to my appearance.

2. You'll receive many negative assumptions
Many people will assume that you get what you want by using your looks. So obviously you're spoiled, lazy and unintelligent, right? They assume that you're the more sexually experienced in your social group. Like how? I've never even been on my first date yet -.- Or that you're more promiscuous. I had no idea I had so many sexual partners. How do I even find the time?

And it doesn't end there. People think you're this naive, sheltered girl who's never known the struggle. Little do they know that I've been through so much in my short lifetime so far that many people will never have to deal with. And when I try to let my guard down and tell people about this they either think I'm exaggerating or flat out lying. Which is kind of depressing because I have a plethora of problems. It's a losing battle; you're afraid to be yourself.

Another horrible assumption is that people tend to think you're not going to be nice to them. It's like they're constantly surprised that you actually have a good personality. As if you can either be decent looking or have a decent personality. It's insulting.

People also tend to think that you're not that smart. And then they try to treat you like you're 50 I.Q points lower than them.

They also assume that you're high maintenance and need more attention. It gets old guys.

3. Making female friends is always difficult
Okay, that much is pretty obvious. It's as if we're all trained to be in competition and it's nearly impossible to forge a normal friendship. I know it's wrong but I think I have and will always have an inferiority complex against girls for this reason. And that's kind of why I like to hang with the guys. But that brings me to number 4: You never really fit in with the guys
You're likely to be the love interest instead of the friend in the group at least once. It's like they have it in their heads that a hookup is just around the corner.

5. Your actions will be misinterpreted
Most of the time your friendliness will be perceived as flirting. So when you try to be reserved amongst some people you'll find that the girls looking for reasons to justify their dislike for you will perceive your shyness as b!tch!ness.

You can't win. You have to be hyper aware of all the 'signals' you're giving off because they're not likely to be received the way you intended.

6. Nice guys will never, ever hit on you
Lol and this is probably just me aye. I swear it never happens! But it's like you have more undateables flirting with you than you ever thought existed. Maybe they think you're out of their league so you end up forever alone since you cant find anyone to connect with. Or they think you're stuck up and get intimidated by you, which is really sad to be honest.

Makes me wonder, what ever happened to chivalry? You know I often wish my life was like an 80's movie. Besides the fact that I'd never have to worry about my hair or going to the bathroom, I'd know that when I'm at my lowest point a guy will chase me down the street and pour his heart out to me and we'd kiss - happy ever after.

Or it'd be more dramatic like a John Hughes movie. I'd have a guy like Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club thrusting his fist in the air because he knows he got me. And for no reason they'd be an awesome music number like Don't you (Forget about me) playing somewhere in the background.

I want something unexpected like John Cusack in Say Anything holding a boombox outside my window. Or to ride off somewhere on a lawnmower with a guy like Patrick Dempsey in Can't Buy Me Love.

Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie. But even a guy like Nate Parker from Beyond the Lights rescuing me from my impending death and telling me he see's me would give me the feels.

7. Most people won't realize that you're more than just your looks
For someone who wants to be known for her creativity, intellect and personality, this really damages my self esteem. It's like your appearance is what people use to define you. Even if you find somebody who's interested in finding out about your innermost thoughts, your features are what they're likely to be affected by first. People rarely have higher expectations for pretty girls, well except to always stay pretty of course.

And that's unfortunate, there's so much more about a person than just their looks and I guess the only people who truly matter will recognize that.

Hey Guys!!
Thanks for reading. I'd really appreciate it if you showed your amazing support by voting and sharing. Please comment if you have experienced any of these!
Lol I really hope this didn't sound conceited!
Suggestions for the next chapter are always welcome :)

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