Class:11: Pedestal

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It's lonely at the top,

Always afraid you will drop.

It's  rough,

Being  tough.

All the time.

Every second's worth a dime.

Hard work everyday,

Nothing left to say.

These days, when will they end?

Hoping my values won't bend.

Some think I was born in the wrong century,

The phrase is burned into my memory.

Some say my body's young but my soul is old.

I still believe 'old is gold'.

Nobody really understands me.

When I slip or fall, their faces are full of glee.

In my heart, seeds of distrust has been sown,

Seeds of bitterness has grown.

I'm a lone wolf/shark I can't decide.

I'm still alone, all things aside.

Author's Note: Going through some tough times, sorting out priorities and trying to figure out what I really need and what I actually want. To everyone out there who's also going through the same or similar problems or has gone through them unscathed or scathed ,  know this my heart goes out to you all.  Our world never has the 'how to ' manuals for the most important things :P 

Figures, why we still haven't found a fool-proof vaccine for the common cold.  Some problems follow us throughout the centuries , they are so common yet there are no cures or instructions to survive them. You suffer and learn.

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