Class 10: Who I Am

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I need no partner to keep me company.

I'm on a road,

On a road,

To find my destiny.

I take comfort in the saying,

"Winner stands alone".

My desire to achieve,

Is written in my flesh and bones.

I ain't going to go through no cookie cutter.

I may mutter and I may stutter,

But I'm not going to be anyone,

Other than who I want to be.

I'm going to hold my head up high,

And shout it out to the sky,

"I'll be the best in something, I'll be number one .

Just you wait and see !"

I don't need to be surrounded to feel good.

I don't need that kind of popular childhood.

I don't want to be that person,

Who can't survive on her own.

Just because I don't fit into your mould,

That doesn't give you the right to be cold.

I won't stand being told,

That I'm worthless.

I walk a lonely road,

But I stand tall and walk it with pride.

I keep my ears closed to those who snide.

I look forward to the day, when I can turn the tide.

When I die, I want to be remembered,

Not as someone who slumbered through life,

But wielded it as a knife, to curve out an existence,

That won't lose to the flow of time.

So help me God,

When life gets tough and they tell me I'm not good enough,

And hear my voice when I say,

"I want to be someone great one day."

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