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If cliches do exist,

Then you're the biggest cliche 

I've ever seen.

You say  that I'm mean,

But at least I mean 

What I say.

I don't think I'll ever know,

If that smile,

Is real or fake.

Kind to everyone you meet,

But is that kindness 

Just for kindness' sake?

Life of every conversation.

Laughing at every possible innuendo.

Dragging out smiles against all odds.

God, you can drive anyone insane.

Understands neither no

nor the meaning of personal space.

Beneath the smiles and the jeers,

There are the tears.

Over all the silliest things.

The party girl with the nice side.

Packed with all the normal insecurities 


I'm well aware my words and my insight

Are nothing but burdens.

Judgemental is all I am to you.

Don't know what I'm expecting of you.

I know that you are a person too.

Still, I want to read you like a book.

Author's Note: May feel like I take you for granted and maybe I do but if you can stick with  me  and love me for who I am then know this is for certain. You are special.

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