Dear Reader,

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It's the same every Monday. All the people, that naturally wouldn't end up together meet at school. From the geeks and nerds, to people like my best friend Scott, a lovely guy, but the one, that won't ever be noticed. I watch him when he jumps off his bicycle and waits for me next to the car park. He has brown eyes and wears nicer clothes than me. I guess some girls look at him, but he never really pays attention. And if it wouldn't be for his asthma, he probaby would be great at lacross, but so we both sit on the bench during each play. And we must listen to coach's monlogues, and they're awful, if you had heard tham, you would know what I mean.

So as we walk up the school stairs we spot Danny and Kira, and Scott's eyes light up, I know he likes our history teacher's dughter, but he never speaks about it. And Danny is gay like me, the only difference is he belongs to the cool ones and hot guys are constantly around him.

So as we join the crowd in the entrance someone nearly bumps into us. He says a quick sorry and runs down the corridor. He's name is Mason and I only know it because he's best friends with our annoying team capitan Liam, freshman by the way. Unfortunately he's damn good at lacross and me and Scott always plan to poison him before the big games but we've never suceeded so far. But one day we will.

I reach my locker, that is opposite to Scott's one and the bell rings. I grab my books and slam my locker's door. And than, when I look around my knees weeken. There comes the A list clique of the school. Lydia Martin with her beautiful dresses and her deep red-blonde hair. She's school most popular girl and no wonder that she's dating him, school king. He holds her hand as they walk escorted by the handsome twins Aiden and Ethan, I guss they some kind of bodyguards for him.

And than my eyes fall on him, and I guess my breath stops somewhere in my lungs. He is posh, so fashionable that Lydia looks like a gray mouse next to him. And he's tall and skinny, and he is smart. He never plays lacross, but he sits on the audience and reads books. He dirves a red Ferrari and lives in a castle like house. I've never seen his parents and there are rumors in town, that he lives all alone. He has this peach blonde hair, skin as pale as the moonlight and whiskey black eyes. And he looks younger than anyone of us, almost like a boy but with seduction and fire in his eyes. And there he goes the reason of all my sleepless nights, the material my dreams are made of, the one that will never notice a boy like me, the perfect and unforgetable Thomas Sangster.

So if you want to waist a little bit of you time on listening to my story, turn the page.

Sincerely Stiles.

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now