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I spent three hours trying to figure out what to wear and I still failed to look good. I parked my jeep in front of the villa and shivered. I really hoped Scott had already been here. I saw the crowd moving both ways through the door and I shivered. Ethan and Aiden were checking the invitations, both huge like the perfect bodygaurds.

„Don't freak out. Don't freak out," I told myself, but the thruth was I wasn't able to breath properly.

It's been three years of dreams about coming into his house, to one of his famous partys, and now I was here. All my hopes and all my fear mixing. I opened the door and left my jeep checking my outfit in the car mirror. I wore all black as it was the only idea that came to my mind. The night was cool and I counted my steps in my mind when I approched the twins.

„Stiles," Aiden looked at me in disbelief.

„Can I see the invitatin?" asked Ethan.

He was always the nicers one and I found my invitation in the backpocket of my pants and handed it to him.

„Who gave you that?" asked Aiden.

„Liam," I looked away.

„Oh," Aiden glanced at his brother.

„The whole school konws that Liam has a crush on this looser," muttered Ethan.

I felt my embarrassment brunig through me with shame and pain.

„He's not my type. Give this back," I grabbed the invitation and passed the twins.

I really needed to talk to the freshman. He was spoiling my reputaion and my life.

The music hit me when I entered the huge hall that was turend into a club. A disco ball was spinning above the dancefloor and a bar, with violet neon lights was placed on the right. I made my way through the crowd looking for a quieter space and I found a empty barchair at the long counter. I glanced around till I found Scott. He was talking to Danny and looking over to the girls group, where Kira smiled at some jokes.

„Go Scott, it can't be so hard, she's just a girl," I cheered in my mind.

I saw that the twins walked into the house and few minuts later Aiden was occuping the dancefloor with a hot blonde girl, while Ethan suddenly found himself in a conversation with Mason. I shivered. I turned to the huge marble stairs, with golden barriers and my stomach made a move. There he was, dressed in a navy blue suit, to a diva like sandwhite hat. He smiled looking at his guests and walked down the stairs offering his arm to Lydia, who wore a fire red dress, and glittering diamond rings, he had porbably sponsored, and I felt my jelousy reached the highest level ever. They reached the dancefloor and merged into the crowd. The rainbow lights were playing on Thomas' face and Lydia was as facinated as me, when her green eyes glittered with all the love, while she watched her boyfriend. He whispered something in her ear and leaned down kissing her neck too passionately. I looked away. I felt tears and I faced the bar. My head was spinning and I decided to buy a drink. I checked my pocket and I relized, I had left my wallet in my other pants.

„Shit," I swore.

I decided to borrow money from Scott, so I turned back to the dancefloor and looked for him. And there he was, smiling brighter than ever, offering Kira a dance and she nodded. He looked at me, his heart was probably exploding from happiness and he led her to the dancefloor.

I decided to go home. This was one big mistake anyway.

„You look like if you'd need a drink," I turned around and my pain got unberable.

There he was again. Liam. Dressed in a white shirt to black jeans with his self-confident smile and deep blue eyes.

„Are you talking to me?" I felt a shiver.

„Stiles you're funny," Liam leaned at the counter and nodded to the barkeeper.

The guy run to him.

„A good drink for this gentleman next to me," Liam smiled taking his wallet out and I was ready to kick him, and bite him.

The barkeeper noticed and started to mix some things with crushed ice.

„Why can't you just give me a chance?" Liam's blue eyes eyed me up and I feet uncomfortable.

„Isn't it obvious?" I tried to play cool.

„No," he giggled and I wished, I could punch him.

„First you're a freshman and I'm a senior. Second you're not my type and third you're annoying," I took a breath.

He loughed loud.

„That's why I like you Stiles, you're funny."

I was trembeling from anger, while he payed for the drink.

„Here," Liam slid the drink to me. „I hope you'll change your mind and at least get to know me," he walked to the dancefloor and disappeared in the crowd.

I fllowed him with my eyes and unfortunately caught Thomas and Lydia into my sight. They were making out firecly and all my vains froze.

„Some stupid feshman won't buy me drinks, ha!" I shouted to the backs of the dancing crowd, but they just ignored me.

So I jumed up and run out of the house. I reached my jeep and drove back home as fast as I could feeling tears, bitter tears rolling down my face.

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now