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„Stilinski on the field!" Coach shouted and I fell off the bench and hurt my ass.

Till this harsh awakening I was watching Thomas. He was sitting on the top stand, his hair messy and his shirt white and fluttering in the wind, his thoughts so deep in the book, that I could glance at him for ages and he never noticed.

„Yes coach," I got up rubbing my butts.

I limped to the field and looked around. We were practicing shoots and blocking, and I saw, that Ethan and Aiden were standing in front of the goal. Huge, muscle packed monsters, that were ready to crush the bones of anyone, who would try to get past them.

„Are you ok?" a small hand landed on my arm and I shivered.

„I am, Liam get your hand off me," I whispered.

„Stilinski make yourself useful and try to score!" Coach blew the whistle and I took the ball in my stick.

I felt my knees were week when I glanced at the twins. They were smiling in their helmets and blinking to each other.

„Stiles, I'll cover you up and you'll try to score," I heard Liam's voice behind me.

„Thanks, but I don't need help from a freshman," I clenched my teeth.

He was team captain and I was the worst player on the team after Greenburg. But I still refused Liam's help. I had my pride.

I started to run into the small space between the twins knowing it will go so wrong. I saw Aiden speeding up at me and I felt a blood rush in my head. I tried to change direction but there was Ethan reaching me with his hands. And than Aiden fell on the grass and I jumed above him, and run to the goal. The goalkeeper was so shocked, that he focused on the action behind me and I scored.

„I did it. I did it!" I jumped up.

But them I looked around. Coach was shouting at Liam while Aiden laid on the garss covering his balls in pain.

„How had you hit him right in the balls Dunbar?" shuoted coach.

„Accident," Liam blinked to me and I threw my helmet aside.

I walked past Ethan, who tried to help his brother up and I threw my stick on the grass, a second later I hit Liam right in the face and he fell on the ground.

„Stilinski, what are you doing? Get off him!" Coach shouted louder.

But I sat on Liama's chest and punched him. He pulled me over and I felt pain in my lungs when I hit the grass.

„What's wrong with you!" shouted Liam looking straight into my eyes.

„What's wrong with you? I don't need your drinks or help!" I shouted back and kicked his stomach with my knee.

„I really don't want to hurt you Stiles!" he coughed but I hit his nose and he jumped on me grabbing my hands, and pressing them to the grass.

Two boys hurried up and separated us. Coach was swearing in all the languges he knew and Scott run to me, and grabbed me.

„I will kill you dumbass!" I shouted.

Liam washed the blood from his bruised lip off with his glove and looked at me with so much regret that I felt sick.

„Congrats boys, that was nearly as intersting as my book," I turned around and hold my breath hearing Thomas' voice.

Thomas stood up and watched the fight. He grinned and turned around leaving the field.

„Who in the world is that?" asked Coach.

„Thomas Perfection Sangster," I muttered still in shock that he saw me.

„I'm not going, beside I'm grunded for punching a freshman in his stupid face," I was in my room and hid the Sangster famliy files under my pillow when Scott entered the room. I used my dad's computer in the sheriff station to get access to this information, and printed them out. I nedded to know what happened to Thomas' parenst. Aiden and Ethan weren't even related to him, yet they lived in his house.

„You must be there, everyone will be there," Scott made his begging face.

„You mean Kira will be there," I corrected him.

He really didn't need me to deal with his almost girlfriend.

„And Thomas, he will be there too," Scott looked at me.

„Yes Thoams, with Lydia..." I tried to ignore the painful images of Thomas and Lydia in my mind. „And Liam, and remember me and Liam in one place, not good Scott."

„Please," Scott sat on my bed. „I need you there."

„Ok," I gave in.

It was a rooftop party Danny organized, and the whole school will be there. I decided to go for a few minuts, for Scott than push him in Kira's arms and leave back home. My dad had a nightshift so me being grounded wasn't a problem.

„So see you there," Scott smiled and run out of my room.

„Close the door behind you, eh," he's gone before I could get him to close my door.

I got up from the bed and closed the door. Then I grabbed the papers from under my pillow.

„Strange animal attack on a british family in San Diego," I read the first case.

I shivered. It was a terrible case involoving two damaged cars and a devastated house, and a family called Sangster. The animal supposed to be a wolf but a damege like this done by a single wolf wasn't possible.

„Are you the cutest criminal on Earth?" I whispered to myself closing the papers.

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now