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„Come in," I said and the door opened.

I nealy fell off my bed seeing Liam.

„Your dad let me in," he was all shy and glanced around cautiously.

„Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

„I came to see you," Liam slipped into the room.

„Aha," I tried to understand this situation.

„Tomorrow is Saturday and we don't have school, and I thought maybe we could go out on a date," he blushed.

„Me, you, date?" I pointed at us.

„Yes. Remember how I asked you to give me a chance," he smiled.

His big blue eyes were filled with hope and I felt I'm to week to crush his little heart.

„Where will we go?" I asked not sure what I'm doing.

Stiles are you nuts! - I was screaming in my mind.

„So it means yes," Liam smiled wider.

„Lets's say, I'll spend some time with a boring and annoying freshman," I treid to make it less exciting for him. „But no candlelight dinner, understand," I pointed at him.

„Who said we will do such boring and odinary things," Liam smiled in a cheeky way.

„Wait , what will we do than?" I felt I'm getting interested.

„You'll see. Be ready at 10 I'll be waiting in front of your house," he blinked.

„Eyy, eyy, no freshman will blink me, you you freshman," I spilt cold water on his burning enthusiasm.

„Boys," my father put his head between the door. „I need to go, a emegency call. There is pizza from last night, warm it up fo you," he glanced at us.

"Thank you Mr. sheriff but I was just leaving," said Liam.

„Dad, what happened?" I felt all insecure and too excided.

I loved the rush of adrenaline and danger his cases had.

„A animal attack on the main way north from the city, I can't imagine what animal can cause so much damage. Be careful walking home Liam, Stiles mabe you'll give your friend a ride," dad seemed worried.

„What animal was it?" I asked feeling the tension rising.

„They say it's a wolf," said my father and I shivered.

„Take care boys," my father closed the door and left.

I glanced at Liam his eyes were filled with fear.

„Don't worry there are no wolfs in California, since 60 years," I said.

„Oh, what was it than?" he aksed.

„I have no idea," I took a breath. „Do yo need a ride home?"

„No thanks, I'll manage" he smiled and relaxed a bit. „And Stiles, wear something comfortable tomorrow," he lookd me in the eyes and run out of my room.

„Don't be so happy, I won't let you touch me!" I shouted after him.

When I heard him slamming the front door I jumed up and grabbed the keys to my jeep.

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now