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I parked my jeep next to the block of flats and saw the light form the roof mirroring in the clouds.

„I'm nervous," Scott rubbed his sweaty hands.

I glanced around the car park. No red Ferrari yet.

„He's always late for partys," informed Scott.

„Yes good to know," I was sarcastic again.

We left the jeep and walked to the elevator. Scott was getting anxious and I tried to cheer him up but he was hoplesly lost in his own little world. We reached the roof and I was shocked, how many people could actually fit in there.

„That's cool," Scott smiled.

„Yeah," I tried to keep the spirt, but I was so not in a party mood.

All because of a certain peachblonde.

„There she is!" Scott spotted Kira and blinked a few times.

„Go Scott, be the man," I tapped his shoulders.

„Yes be the man," He took a breath and walked to Kira. He was only looking at her so he managed to trip over the stairs and lost his balance landing on the floor.

I closed my eyes, the view was paniful.

„Scott, Scott are you ok!" Kira run to him and helped him up.

He smiled, but I knew he was ready to cry.

„Sure," he muttered.

„Let's get a drink and dance," Kira looked at him and I saw she was still fascinated.

It means, no matter how much of a fool he will make of himself, she'll still be into him. I felt better. So my plan worked, now it was time to go home. So I turned around ready to leave the club, but then the elevator opened at the twins stepped onto the roof. They had confident smiles and glanced around. They blinked to each other and walked to the dancefloor.

I trembeled. They always came with him, or a moment before him, it ment Thomas was on the way. I decided to go but my heart needed to stay. To at least see what fashion crime has he commited tonight. So I walked trough the roof trying to find the best spot where I could observe the whole situation. But of course the best spot was taken by Liam. He sat on a pouffe, on the edge of the roof and sipped a drink. He seemed sad and for a moment I even pitied this annoying kid. I looked for his best friend Mason, but spotted the smart guy being busy chating to Ethan next to the bar.

I took a breth and walked to the pouffe

„May I?" I asked not sure why I'm doing it.

„Stiles," Likam was shocked.

„Yes, It's me, Stiles here," I waved awkwardly and he loughed loud.

How I hated this kid.

„You can sit here, I won't bite," he moved to the other edge of the pouffe

„Thanks man," I sat as far awy from him as possible.

„Can we forget the whole lacross misunderstanding?" asked Liam.

„You humiliated me, forgot," I hissed.

„Oh I thought I prevented you from getting a few bones broken by the twins," Liam stared in his drink.

„Next time mind your own bussines," I felt anger again.

Especially because he was right and I hated it.

I felt uncomfortable and nervous being in this awkward situation so close to him. I glanced at the boy and notcied he looked adorable in his gray-blue benie, that matched his bright eyes... I said adorable, I menat disguisting. Definitely horrible.

A sound of a sport car engine made me jump up. I glance over the edge of the roof my heart was hammering. And there he parked his red Ferrari, right next to my jeep. The only one, Thomas Sangster. He speeded around the car to open the door for Lydia. He wore a brown black stripped suit, to a black shirt. Lydia had golden earrings and a red lipstick.

„Oh, why are they so perfect?" I nearly laid on the pouffe.

„He's just a normal guy, like us. I think he's a little bit selfish and to lazy to play lacross," Liam's annoying voice rung in my ear.

„Normal guy, like, like us! Did you mean what I think you mean, when you try to men it?" I looked at him and he smiled shaking his head.

„You're so adorable Stiles when you say all this things no one understands," Liam blushed.

„I... ph... Don't compliment me you... you... freshman," I glanced at the carprk but Thomas and Lydia were gone.

„Have you ever talked to him, maybe he's a douche in a conversation?" Liam looked at me.

„Me? Me Stiles talk to Thomas Perfection Sangster? I think this drink was a drink too much for your little freshman's head," I pointed at his galss.

„You live with your imagination Stiles," he looked towards the elevator, that had opened a moment ago.

I also saw Thomas and Lydia making their way through the crowd. I started to bite my nails. Scott where are you when I need you, I begged for mercy in my mind.

But Scott was bussy dancing with Kira and whispering something right into her ear. I saw Thomas stopping next to Aiden and I trembeled.

„He's just a boy, just a boy. . . You know what Liam, he's just a boy, and I'll talk to him now!" I jumped up.

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now