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„Stiles," Liam whispered my name but I never listened I walked through the crowd to Thomas and stopped right in front of him.

I took a huge breath and noticed that Lydia is staring at me.

„Yhym... Thomas!" I said and everyone around us turned to us.

Thomas laid his whiskey black eyes on me and my throath dried immediately.

„How can I help you?" he aske with a breathtaking british accent.

I noticed Scott, who run behind Lydia and shook his head giving me signs to stop.

„Hi, Stiles here... You probably noticed me, I play lacross, in the team, and I drive this blue jeep that happens to be parked right next to your Ferrari," I started to talk regerting every word.

„Should I move my car somewhere ealse?" Thomas blinked a few times.

„No, it's... not about the car. It's about you."

I saw that Scott hid his face in his hands.

„I want you to go out with me. On a date," I said and the crowd around me loughed.

Thomas opened his mouth and closed it.

„Are you crazy, he's my boyfriend!" Lydia lied her red nails on my arm like claws.

„You, you mind your own bussines redhead, It's a bussines between me and Thomas," I looked at her and she stepped back.

„Come on boy you're drunk," Thomas looked at me with pity and I felt I'm burnig.

„No, I haven't drank a thing. I.. I just can't stand it any longer. I dream about you, because you're perfection with your peach blonde hair and whiskey black eyes, and I... I want to have a chance. Thomas Sangster please go out with me, because I love you more than she or anyone will ever love you," I siad.

The music stopped and everyone on the roof was looking at me and Thomas. The silence was buzzing in my ears.

And than Thomas loughed, in a loud and sick way.

„And who are you. The biggest looser in shool, the nerdiest son of the local sheriff. There's no reason in the world why a guy like me, should go out with someone like you. You're a humiliation on two legs, don't waste my time," Thomas gabbed Lydia's hand and walked past me.

The loughs the hands pointed at me were ringing in my ears.

„You're a asshole and a salfish douche , he's a amazing guy, way better than you!" I heard Liam screaming at Thomas behind my back, but I never cared less.

I run to the elevator, my visions blurry and my body exploding with pain. I reached the metal box and my trembeling hands found the ground floor button. The ride down lasted two seconds but I had the impression that there's no air left inside the elevator, and that I'm drowning. When the door opened I nearly fell down, and I grabbed a wall gasping for air.

I tried to find my car keys but my hands were shaking so madly that I couldn't get them out of my pocket. A panic attack was rising in me and my lungs were burning for air but there seemed to be no more air left.

I moved to the front door supporting myself on the wall.

„Stiles!" I heared my name like from inside a metal pot. "Stiles, let's get you out of here," two people grabbed me form both sides and helped me to the open space in front of the building.

„Stiles, breath, breath!" They reached my jeep and I laid on the hood pressing my nose to the cold metal.

„Can you give him your inhaler, maybe this will help, we can call your mum or my stepdad," I heard them talking around me.

„Stiles, here, try it," Scott put his inhaler in my hand.

„Stiles he's not worth it, not worth you," Liam was pale.

„I'm fine," I clenched my teeth and concentrated on breathing in.

„Do you need help?" a gilr's voice came closer, and through a blurry vision I saw Kira running to us.

„It's ok Kira," Scott laid his hand on my shoulder.

I took a breath. I fianlly took a breath. But then the pain inside me became unberable. I felt like if my soul was cut into pieces.

„I'll drive you home," Scott found the jeep keys in my pocket.

„I'm going with you!" Liam looked at me.

I didn't say a thing. I just crowled on the backseat of my jeep and stayed there trying to avoid crying in fornt of my best friend and a freshman. Though the window I saw Scott kissing Kira goodbye and my heart ached even more Why couldn't this happen to me and Thomas?

Liam jumped into the car and looked at me. I felt a cold shiver when his blue eyes met mine so I turned to the window quickly. Fortunately he kept quiet. Scott came into the jeep and started the engine. He reversed around this red Ferrari and we drove into the night. I felt my treas coming and I closed my eyes to not to let them out. I was sgueezing Scott's inhaler in my hands till my fingers begun to hurt.

„What came into you mind to do it?" Scott glanced into the mirror.

„Scott, shut up!" Liam sent my friend a mad look.

So Scott left all comments to himself and I leaned my head against the window.

When we reached my house I told Scott to take the jeep and drive Liam home, then I crawled into my house. My father was in the sheriff station so I was all alone. I reached my room and fell on the bed letting all the tears out into my pillow. I decided to never leave my room again.

Hey if you're reading Alpha's boy please let me know. I need to know if I should continue to post it?

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now