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„Hello Stiles, how was your night?" Liam smiled to me.

It was 10 a.m. and he was in front of my house with a bright smile.

„Great," I tried to hide my sarcasm.

Besides from strange monsters in the forest, a hunter and a pech blonde acting werid, and something rescuing my ass, when some other thing nearly attacked me. . . Great - I muttered in my mind.

„So shall we go?" Liam glanced at my jeep.

„Sure," I oped it and soon we were driving south from the city.

„Were are we going?" I asked and Liam smiled.

„Turn right," he said and I gave in.

He was so sure it is better to keep our destination a secret.

„It's here!" 

it was an hour later and Liam pointed at a ground floor building with grey metal walls in the front and a wooden fence around it.

„Are you kidnapping me?" I turend into the yard and stopped on a square made of hard sand.

Liam grinned and I wanted to kick his littel ass again, but we left the car and walked to the bulding. I saw a poster on the wall and stopped in front of it.

„Becon Paintball," I read the black letters and smiled to myself.

„Good?" Liam glanced at me.

„You're inventive little freshman," I couldn't help but smile.

He opened the front door an we walked into a restaurant like space with a reception. A man came to us and greated us.

„Liam and Stiles, right?" he asked.

„Yes," Liam nodded.

„Come I'll show you around," the man led us to a locker room filled with military costumes and full helmets.

„Have you ever done it?" he asked.

„Yes a few times with my stepdad, but It's first time for Stiles," Liam glanced at me.

„So here are you costumes. They prevent some pain but not all. When you hit you will be bruised, but it's the fun of the sport," the man smiled. „I prepared the best guns we have for you boys," he walked out of the room.

„It will be fun," Liam took his hoodie off and was left in a white tank top to sweatpants. I saw him in our locker room in towel only, but it was different when we were around the whole team. Here we were alone on a "date" and I began to sweat.

„Stiles aren't you changing?" Lima slipped into the costume and I did the same.

I felt like a astrounaut in this heavey boots and clothes, and the helmet, when I walked after Liam few minutes later. We reached the open space on the other side of the building.

Califorina's deserts were starting here, so the place around us was filled with sand and surrounded by rusty-brown hills. There were barrows, car wreckes and and wooden fences all around the place.

„Here, your gun, you have extra bullets here," the man came to me and explaind the use of the gun.

„The first who scores thirty shoots wins," the man tapped my shoulder.

I saw Liam running behind a barrow and I moved the opposite way. I felt the adrenline and the rush, I wanted to prove that I'm better than the freshman.

So I hid behind a car as I heard a shoot. It glanced off the car's bodyshell and I moved to the edge and looked out. I saw Liam rinning to a metal box and shooting, so I put my gun on him and fired. Dark pink paint hit his leg and he winced in pain. He jumped behind the box and I smiled.

„One for me freshman!" I shouted.

I herd him loughing and I run out of the car. He shot but I reached the wooden fence before his bullet could catch me.

He glanced form behid the box and I fired again, this time hitting his shoulder.

He sowre loud and I giggled.

I laid on the dust grund and crewlad  to a corridor made of a huge metal pipe and slid inside. I moved qick and I nearly reached the end of the pipe when Liam appeared on the other side. He laid on the ground and fired. The bullet hit my butt and I swore rubbing this spot.

„You'll get it back freshman!" I turned around and fired one bullet after another covering him in colorful paint.

He rolled on the sand and disappeared from my reach and I crowled out of the pipe, and lipmed to the next hideout.

„How much did I score!" I shouted.

„10 shoots and a kiss!" I heard Liam's voice from behind another car wreack and I felt a rush.

„Never in a million years will you get a kiss from me!" I giggled.

„Are you afraid of me Stiles!" he shouted back.

„No freshman!" I felt heat going through my body.

How was he doing it to me.

„So come out!" he loughed.

„So you'll hit my butt again," I grabbed a bigger stone and tossed it into the car he was hiding behind.

He jumped out of it and I fired hitting him two times before he managed to get back to his hideout.

„This it twelve and no kiss!" I shouted loading fresh paint-bullets into the gun.

Thank you to anyone who reads his story. How do you like the "date" so far? 

Let me know and don't forget to vote and comment if you like this chapter. 

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now