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The police cars were tossing blue lights between the trees. I parked my jeep about a mile from the crime scene and walked through the dark forest. I had a torch and listened to every suspicious sound. The leaves were ruttling under my footsteps and I got closer to the highway. I hid behind a tree and turned the torch off sneaking through the bushes closer to the road. I saw my fater talking to two oter officers. A car on the side of the road was totally damaged, the windows were broken and the hood was bent. I saw the blue lights reflecting into deep strangely looking scratches that seemd to cut through the metal along the side of the car. I shivered. The only logical explanation that came to my mind wasn't logical, so I moved back quietly and reached a small space between the huge trees when I heard a strange noise. I grabbed my torch and turned it on tossing the light around me. The silence wes spooky and I felt clod sweatdrops on my neck. Another rattle of a branch behind me made me step back, till my back was pressed to a tree, a branch borke somewhere around me and I started to glance into the silver darkness of the full moon night trying to find out where the noise came from. I saw a deer running between the trees like if it's life depnded on it and I shivered, a dark shadow sprung between the trunks and I moved around the tree.

„Who is it!" I spoke loud.

I heard rushed steps in the leaves and I jumped out form behind the tree puting my torch light onto whoever was approaching me. My heart was hammering and I nearly screamed but the light fell on a odlder face of a gray haired man. He had cold blue eyes and wore all black.

„What are you doing here in the woods alone boy?" he asked with a deep voice.

His torch light was gliding on my figure.

„I was walking, you know healthy lifestyle," I smiled awkwardly. "Who are you?"

„I'm a hunter," he glanced around. „And this woods aren't safe at night so go home son of the sheriff," he lowered his torchlight.

„I. . . I'm on my way," I turned around and run back to my car.

I was hit by some branches and had a few scratches when I reached my jeep. I gasepd for air leaning on the hoo and I could swear there was something different in the darkness before the man appeared.  What was he hunting? The wolf? He didn't have a hunter gun.

I tried to relax and jumped into my jeep. I started the engine and drove back towards the town, but when I reached a deserted crossing in the woods area I saw a red Ferrari speeding onto the main road from the right turn.

„Where are you going?" I felt excitement, and fear, and love, and hate seeing the unforgetable car with the TBS registration.

I decided to follow him keeping my distance to his sport car. Two miles further he parked on the side of the road in the grass and run into the woods.

„What is going on?" I drove behind his car and parked right there.

I grabbed the torch and Malissa's baseball bat and walked into the forest.

The fog and the moonlight made it look like from a horror movie and I shivered. Sweatdrops were dripping down my spine but I moved slowly and quietly between the trees. I stepped on a branch and I broke causing so much niose that all my hair sprung up. I felt a gaze on me and I turned around, and saw a dark shape about hundret meters from me. It moved down on all forths and started to run towards me. I dropped the torch and grabbed the baseball bat tighter. But in this moment another figure sprung out of the dark, it moved more like a human an it was on two legs deffinitely, and it made a howl like sound that eoched through the whole forest. The other shape stopped and jumped on two legs getting into a fight with the scond cretaure. I grabbed my torch and run to my jeep feeling the air burning in my lungs. I reached the car and opened the door but than I spotted the Ferrari was still tere, that meant Thomas, Thomas was out there in great danger.

„Thomas!" I screamed to the dark wall of trees. „Thomas!"

I shouted his name as loud as I could and than anoter howl made all the goosebumps appear on my skin.

„Thomas!" I screamed louder and few seconds later I saw him.

He was breathing heavily and running to his car, tripping over his own legs.

„Thomas," I whispered his name.

I must have looked very odd all sweaty and scared holding a baseball bat on a empty highway.

Thomas stopped right next to his car and turned around. His whiskey black eyes fell on me, but there was no fear, only anger in them. He opend his car and jumped inside than he drove off quickly. I was so frozen it took me minutes to move my feet back to my jeep. I put the baseball bat on the passenger sat and drove home. There was something wrong here and I had a strong feeling Thomas knew something I had no idea about.

Alpha's boy (Stiles Stilinski / Teenwolf)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora