| Alois |

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It had been several months since the Alois situation had ended and everything had returned to normal

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It had been several months since the Alois situation had ended and everything had returned to normal. There was nothing but endless peaceful days and nothing could ruin yours and Sebastian's seemingly perfect life. Or so you had thought...

It had happened while you were shopping in town. Perhaps it was due to naivety, or maybe it was wholly because they all believed that Alois wouldn't try anything to harm you again, but Ciel and Sebastian had felt like it was okay for you to be allowed to go shopping alone.

You were just strolling down the streets, peering in all the shop windows, and doing all the typical things a person would do when spending the day in town. Somehow they had gotten behind you without you sensing their presence, and they had attacked you with no passerby noticing. A blow to the head knocked you out cold, and they took you back to the place you had never wanted to go back to.

On the way back, and while you were 'sleeping,' someone had injected you with a serum. One that would cause every part of your body to stiffen and your skin to become like porcelain.

For many years to come, anyone who would visit the Trancy manor would come across a certain cage that was on display in Alois's main living room, and placed beautifully inside would be an eerily human-like doll. One that was so perfect and lifelike.

Little did they know that that very human-like doll used to be living and breathing.



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