What Matters The Most

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Last night we headed back to our hotel room after talking to Gigi. Everything went great. After we took our clothes off we lay on bed before going to sleep. We stare into each other's eyes without saying a word and just fell asleep. I wake next to Cara and gave her soft kisses on the lips. I notice hickies on her neck from the previous night.

Kendall: Baby wake up! You've got many hickies.
Cara: You mark me huh? Good morning love.
Kendall: I'm going today with Khloe.
Cara: What for?
Kendall: Just to tell her.
Cara: Do you need me to go with you?
Kendall: Don't worry baby. You better start packing for our flight back to LA.
Cara: Okay sure. I'll pack while you go talk to Khloe.
Kendall: Thanks baby.

I got ready and say bye to Cara who was already starting to pack. I walk through my hotel lobby and Kylie walked in. She stopped and started chatting with me.

Kylie: Sup Kendall Jenner Delevingne.
Kendall: Hey Kylie Jenner from... T-Raww?
Kylie: Yeah we shouldn't start with that shit. What are you doing?
Kendall: I'm heading to Khloe's hotel.
Kylie: Something wrong Ken?
Kendall: No... I am just going to tell her... I think it's time.
Kylie: Wow. Ken that's great. Do you need me?
Kendall:No Kyles I think this is something I gotta do myself.
Kylie: Yeah sure... And are you telling everyone?
Kendall: Yes, but not here. I think I'll tell them in LA.
Kylie: Okay sis, if you need something just call me okay?
Kendall:Yes Kyles thank you.

I took a cab and headed to Khloe's hotel. I knocked her hotel door and she opened within a few seconds. She let me in and I sit on the couch. She followed.

Khloe: Kendall what's up? Why so serious sis you looked so happy yesterday.
Kendall: Okay... Khloe I need to tell you something... And yeah I was happy yesterday and I still am. Happier than ever.
Khloe: Okay... But why so serious?
Kendall: ... This ain't easy Khloe give me a little time...
Khloe: Of course Kendall.
Kendall: I ... I am... with Cara. We are in a relationship.... Khloe... I am so in love with her.

Khloe didn't respond I didn't realize tears started running down my checks. She sat next to me and hold me. She hold me and kissed my forehead. She lean and whisper in my ear.

Khloe: I know babe.
Kendall: But how?
Khloe: Because Kendall... You look just at her... You've never talk about anyone like you talk about her and see no one like you see her. And she loves you back right?
Kendall: Yes. We both do.
Khloe: But Kendall?
Kendall: Yes?
Khloe: Why are you crying beautiful?
Kendall: I don't know. I guess this is hard to say.
Khloe: It shouldn't Ken.
Kendall: So are you okay with it?
Khloe: Ken you are my little sister and I love you even if you are a lesbian, bisexual, straight or carasexual. I love you.
Kendall: Carasexual? Haha
Khloe: That term should exist. And are you telling the others?
Kendall: Yes but back home. I think it should be better to do it with Cara. BTW I should go our flight is about to go.
Khloe: Okay babe well let me bring my things.

We went to the airport and headed to my family's private jet. We entered the plane and there was already Kylie with Cara, Gigi, and Kourt. Mom and Kim would fly on another plane because of Kim's work.  I sat next to Cara and Khloe started talking to Kourt. Gigi and Kylie were busy on their phones so I snug with Cara. Khloe look at us for a second and she smile to both of us.

Cara: So everything went good?
Kendall: Just perfect.
Cara: Perfect love.
Kendall: Cara don't be worried you are what matters the most to me.

Cara looked at me but before she could say anything Gigi and Kylie were looking at us with a smile on.

Gigi: Aw babies.
Kylie: I know right? They're so cute.

And after that they both started laughing. Cara looked at me and smile. She was going for a kiss but Kourtney wasn't aware of our relationship and she wanted to wait to tell her formally.

Cara: Good thing I can't do anything with you in here love.
Kendall: We could join the mile high club.

Kylie and Gigi looked at us shocked and only Kylie said something... Obviously.

Kylie: Well there is naughty Kendall again! What you did to her Cara?
Cara: Just love... In many different positions and many different locations.
Kylie: Whoa! There is the perfect couple.
Kendall: Kylie stop it.
Kylie: Okay I'll let you two to it.

Kylie turn at Gigi who was still in shock. Cara looked at me and she started playing with my hair. She looked into my eyes.

Cara: Not today love.
Kendall: Will we join the mile high club someday?
Cara: Yes. Not today but yes. Kendall?
Kendall: Yes baby?
Cara: You are the most important for me too. You matters the most.

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