2: Who's My Partner?

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Mariah's PoV

I exited London Heathrow airport with two suitcases. I was called to be at a meeting with the judges of 'Strictly Come Dancing' later. I got a taxi to the house I was going to be staying in with all the other celebrities. Our dance partners stayed in another house just as extravagant and only a block away which would come in handy.

I entered the house with my new key that the producers had given me, hung my coat up on the hook and took my sunglasses off.

No one in this house better be annoying.

"Wow! Mariah Carey! I can't believe you're competing for the show!" One of the other celebrities came up to me.

It was woman in probably her mid 20s, looked mixed like me but darker skinned, wavy black hair, she was a little shorter and she had an infectious laugh. She wore a bright red lipstick which instantly told me she had a big personality.

"Me neither. Hey, are you mixed too?" I asked.
"Yes! I should introduce myself. My name's Alesha, Alesha Dixon, it's an honour to meet you Mariah, your talent is truly something."
"It's nice to meet you too, Alesha and thank you...at least someone here understands my race." I smiled at her.

She pulled me in another hug. I liked Alesha already and I knew we were gonna be good friends.

"So, do you know who your dance partner is?" She asked.
"No, I gotta go to this meeting later and they said they'll tell me then. Do you?" I replied.
"Yes, I've got a handsome man called Justin Cook!" She winked.

I laughed a little before another girl approached Alesha and I. She was pale skinned with light blonde hair, with beautiful blue eyes. She gave us the biggest bubblegum pink lipstick grin.

"Hi! I'm Kimberley Wyatt and you girls are?" She greeted us.
"I'm Alesha Dixon and this is the one and only Mariah Carey! How could you not recognise her?" Alesha answered her.

"Sorry, I didn't realise! Hi Mariah, you're so pretty in person oh my god! I'm Kimberley, I was in the girl group, the 'Pussycat Dolls'." Kimberley shook my hand.
"Hi Kimberley. I don't think so but thank you. I think I've heard of you guys, were you in the group with Nicole Scherzinger?" I asked.
"Yep! She was the lead singer." She nodded.
"Cool. It's nice to meet you."

I smiled and looked down. I was still pretty shy when I met new celebrities, especially when they've had more dancing or any kind of experience than I had.

"Hey, you're very quiet in real life aren't you?" Alesha asked.
"Yeah, I guess...kinda." I nodded.
"Don't sweat Mariah, I don't bite and I'm sure Alesha doesn't either. I think your room is near to mine, I swear I saw your name earlier. So you can come and see me if you're stressed out girl." Kim assured.

They were really nice and I felt like I trusted them somehow.

"Thank you Kimberley, Alesha, I really appreciate it. I'm gonna go see who else is here, I'll catch you later." I said.

"Okay hun, byeee!" Kim waved.
"Bye Mariah, see you later, my girl!" Alesha waved too.

I waved back and thought to myself,

Now to see who else is here.

I walked around the house and took a look around. This place was basically a mansion. Maybe it was or it was just that the house was huge.

Strictly Come Women? (Cheryl Cole & Mariah Carey)Where stories live. Discover now