5: Trying To Resist

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Cheryl's PoV

"And one...two...three, and rest!"

Both of us fell on the floor next to each other. We had our arms around each other, and it felt good. The blonde beauty looked to me and smiled, the exhaustion written all over her face. We had just practised for 2 hours with only a half an hour break, for lunch, in-between. I was tired myself. The sweat dripped off our foreheads. Mariah's skin felt slightly moist around me, but I didn't care a bit. I kinda liked this girl.

"I'm f***in' knackered, Mariah are you?" I asked her.
"Yep, you can say that again!" She laughed.
"You did very well today, I was surprised actually."
"Oh, really? Thank you."
"Don't mention it!" I grinned, "I'm gonna have a shower, want one?"
"Sure...um, can you take me there?" She asked shyly.
"Why wouldn't I? Come on, I'll take yas."

We got up off the floor. I took Mariah's hand and helped her up. I gathered my things, making sure I had everything, before waiting for Mariah to get her things. I was watching her check through her massive Louis Vuitton bag. She bent down, making her arse stand out. Mariah had a cute little arse, and I just wanted to squeeze it...what? The f*** Cheryl! My mind kept denying it, but I couldn't help myself. I liked this girl a lot.

She turned to me with an uncertain look on her face.

"What are you looking at?"
"Oh- nothin' babes. You ready to go?"

She slowly nodded her head. She didn't believe me. We picked up our bags and exited the dance room. I then lead Mariah to the bathrooms and showers, giving her short instructions as to how the shower worked and what to do. The showers here were hard to get used to, so I wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

We went into the women's showers and each took a slot next to each other. I went into my cubicle and stripped off my dance clothes, the black crop top and leggings trying to stick to me as I peeled them off my skin. I kicked my trainers and socks off too, before placing them, with my clothes, on the wooden bench by the wall. I stepped in the shower, doing my business, while thinking of things. I always thought a lot when I showered.

As I was about to wash my hair, I realised that I forgot my 2 in 1 shampoo I always brought.

"S***!" I cursed under my breath.

I was f***ed.

Wait...Should I ask Mariah if I could borrow hers? I mean, I'll just be borrowing her shampoo and conditioner right? I wouldn't be looking at her...

After turning the water off, I got my towel and wrapped it tight around my body. I stepped out of the cubicle and knocked on Mariah's.

"Who is it?" She called out.
"It's just us, babe!" I answered, "I haven't got any shampoo or conditioner to wash me hair!"

I had to shout over the shower being so loud.

"Oh...do you wanna borrow mine? I've got a 2 in 1 and I'm almost finished with it?" Mariah offered.
"Please, that would be great! Should I just come in and get it then?" I asked.

She didn't reply.

"You don't have to if ya don't want to-"
"No it's fine...I'm just...self-conscious." She cut me off.
"I won't look at yous okay? I'll just get it and I won't look at you." I assured her.

I went in. I kept my eyes down to the floor, making sure not to look up. The only part of her I could see were her beautiful, long legs as the hot water ran down them. My mouth watered. I just wanted to lick those legs so much. I got the shampoo bottle, but as I was getting back up I caught sight of her breasts. My eyes were glued to her immediately and I didn't realise I was now staring at her perfect body. I couldn't help myself.

"Ch-Cheryl?" I heard her stammer nervously, "Why are you looking at me?"

I snapped back to my senses quick.

Oh for f***'s sake! I'm screwed.

I ran out and went back to my shower before it became even more awkward. Afterwards, we just stood outside, while taking in the fresh air. I felt ashamed.

"I'm so sorry Mariah." I apologised for the fifth time, "I didn't mean to, it's just-"
"It's fine...I know it's because I'm ugly...I hate being mixed sometimes-" Mariah insisted.

"Wait, what? That's all true?" I always thought it was the papers making up rumours about her to get stories out.

"Yeah, I'm...half white Irish...half Black and Venezuelan." She confirmed.
"Babe...listen...you're not ugly at all, that's insane..." I protested.

"I know I am, you don't have to cover it up-"

"Mariah, I'm telling yous now, you are not ugly. In fact, you're very beautiful. I shouldn't of kept staring like that though...that was really rude of us to do that when you're already insecure about your body."

"I don't care about that, Cheryl. I just have some self-esteem issues that's all. Everyone called me names when I was little, and I always believed those things are who I am." She mumbled, "I'm t-trying to work on it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from her.

How can anyone dislike her? She's the nicest person I've met. If anything I'm jealous of her because she's so beautiful. Inside and out too. These people must've been proper arseholes to pick on someone like that.

I put my hand on her thigh, "What did they call you?"

Mariah let out a deep breath. I could tell she never confided in many people. The glint of sadness in her chocolate orbs made me wonder about her.

"Well...I don't like to say them..." Mariah answered.
"Oh...that's okay, you don't have to say them again." I nodded, "They must've been some bad things...do ya wanna go somewhere and talk about it?"
"Sorry...I'll pass for now..." She smiled.

"Oh, no worries. Call us if ya need to yeah? See you tomorrow?"
She nodded, "Of course...thank you, Cheryl. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Alright. Have a safe journey home, Mariah."
"You too."

Without warning, Mariah pulled me into a tight embrace. She wrapped her arms around me. Hence her incredible height, I rested my head in the crook of her neck. We must've looked like a long lost mother and daughter or something, but I didn't have a care in the world. I felt warm in her arms. Electricity shot through me from every quick grasp of my waist. She just clung to me.

We soon let go after a couple minutes. Mariah's carpool had arrived to take her back. She smiled and waved as she got in. I waved her off as the car sped off down the street. She was soon out of my sight, and I sighed to myself.

I messed that right up didn't I? She must know I like her now!

How will I resist her?

What will I tell everyone if they suspect something?

Bloody hell, why does this always happen to me?!

Just as I checked, my carpool arrived to take me back to the house. I was relieved actually. All I wanted was to get 'home' and get Mariah off my mind. I couldn't think of her after feeling so guilty. I shouldn't of invaded her privacy.

But she's just so beautiful.

She just doesn't know it yet.

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