9: Week Two

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Cheryl's PoV


I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. I groaned, trying to ignore it, but I couldn't. I rolled over and unlocked my phone, the screen pretty much blinding me. I then answered it.


"Cheryl? Can I talk to ya, pet?"

It was Mam.

Oh god.

"Yeah, Mam, sure." I answered, "What is it?"

"Are you a lesbian?"

Well that was quick.

"What made ya think that?" I asked.

"You're dancing with Mariah Carey on 'Strictly'. She's a woman; a straight woman at that."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with her, Mam." I lied. Her last five words sunk in, "Wait...how do you know she's straight?"

"Don't you know? Everyone's seen her going out with Tommy Mottola."

"Tommy Mottola? The head of 'Columbia Records'?"

"Yeah, I think so." Mam confirmed, "You shouldn't be worryin' about your love life, Cheryl; you need to focus on the competition."

"You're right, Mam." I agreed, "I need to focus."

"Take care of yourself, alright?"

"Yeah...I'll talk to ya later."




Mariah and I were getting ready to go on stage. Whilst a makeup artist was putting finishing touches to my look, a hair stylist was nearly finished curling Mariah's hair.

This week, we worked on the Charleston, and our setting was a 1950s sweet shop, so I was dressed in a red and white dress that looked like a candycane, along with red stilettos. My hair stylist for the night, Aiden, put my hair up in a top knot, leaving a few curled strands fall at the sides, and he tied a red tie-on headband to match my outfit. The makeup artist, Hannah, applied dark red lipstick across my lips, and dotted a fake beauty mark just above to replicate Marilyn Monroe.

Hannah removed the cloak around my neck, and gestured me to look in the mirror, set up with bright lights for better viewing.

"What do you think?" She asked.

I admired my appearance, in awe of Hannah's work. All the hair and makeup team were so talented and I felt like a revered Hollywood actress in her 10 million-dollar mansion. It was a very familiar feeling though; I had been competing in dance competitions since I learned to walk-

Okay, I know that's an exaggeration! But I have been doing this for years now; the difference is that I'm being televised for the entire country to see.

"I love it, thank you, pet!" I replied to Hannah.

Meanwhile, another makeup artist, Jen, was finishing applying Mariah's mascara and beginning to apply her red lipstick. Her hair looked amazing (it took a little longer for her since her natural hair is very curly, which I love, I prefer her hair curly anyway), and her makeup really accentuated her features, especially her lips. I was also glad that they left the mole just beside her lips to show; it was like her own personal beauty mark.

Strictly Come Women? (Cheryl Cole & Mariah Carey)Where stories live. Discover now