Chapter 2

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I walk into work the next day in my business attire. Black skirt, which came mid-thigh , a plain white shirt, a blazer and black heels.  All of the men in the office congratulated me, another criminal away for good.  I'm the only woman who works on this floor and most of these guys think of me as a little sister. Sometimes, I can see pride in their eyes when I have completed an assignment and it gives me great pleasure.  When I applied for a job here, I wasn't expecting a reply, I was just handing my CV out everywhere. You know, the typical girl in her twenties looking for a job and applying everywhere, from coffee shops to law firms. Fortunately, they made a job for me. They saw that I could act and had a law degree. Thus, here I am… I have sent another criminal in jail and I am always happy to show these guys and my boss that they did well when they hired me.

All of the usual men come up to me. Greg hugs me, Jordan does his usual  hand shake with me and Luke picks me up and swivels me around. I walk into my office and close the door, breathing a sigh of relief when I am finally alone. I like this time, just after I have caught them, I don't have to think about my every move, because I am usually being watched 24/7 to ensure I am safe. It’s nice to be free for a short while. Don’t misunderstand me, I am grateful that my safety always comes first and I’ve never been in actual danger. But, everyone wants some private moments to themselves. Sometimes you need to just sit down and think of your day or anything else that bothers you and you don’t want someone to watch your every move…

I walk over to my desk and sit down. The papers of the next assignment are placed on my work space. “Well, not much time to relax”, I think as I open the folder and look at the profile.

NAME: Calvin Waterstone  

AGE: 26 

OCCUPATION: business owner 

NET-WORTH: £19,000,000 

CRIME: Smuggling drugs into the UK 

IDEAL WOMAN: Brunette, early twenties, slim, big breasts, 5ft 8in, nice dress sense.

Wow! I think to myself! 19 million, that is a lot of money. If only he wasn't a criminal, he would be my ideal match. And it seams that I am his. I fit the description perfectly. I won't have to change anything. That is a first! I usually have to wear wigs or push-up bras and you can say that I change my appearance more often than Miley Cyrus does.

I slip my hand into the wallet and pull out his picture. He is beautiful. Tall, dark, muscular. It’s a pity this guy is a criminal! I love him already and that’s a good sign.  Makes a change from all the old fat men I usually have to work on. You can work better, if the guy is handsome and you don’t have to pretend too much.

At this point, my colleague and close friend Jordan, who works here as well, walks into my office without knocking , of course… Typical!

‘Hey, pretty girl! Congrats!’, he says as he gives me a hug.

‘Thanks Jo, here is my new assignment’, I say and I show him the folder. Of course, he knows about it because he is one of the guys who do a background check to the criminals I work on.

‘Yeah, Calvin Waterstone… He is one of the most famous businessmen in the UK. And he is a charmer, so be careful Ell… We don’t want you to fall in love!’, he gives me a knowing smile. For being my friend, this guy irritates me beyond belief!

‘Yeah, right… I don’t intend to fall in love with a criminal, Jordan. Anyway, don’t you have a background check to run? I’d love some privacy…’. I don’t mean to be rude, but I know Jordan, he is not going to leave anytime soon if I don’t show him the door.

‘Okay Ellie, I’m leaving… Just be careful!’ and with that he is out of the door.

However, his words are bothering me. He’s never told me to be careful and not fall in love and he knows that I am a professional. I just hope that everything will be alright…


The team has found that my guy will be at a club tonight with his friend. They have hired another actress to play my friend for tonight and we will go along together. On the first night, I have someone style me in a way that will grab their attention. Once we’re together I'm given a credit card to buy anything that my 'character' needs. Clothes, shoes,  jewelry, animals. I even once bought a convertible. And best of all, I get to keep it afterwards. I have a walk-in wardrobe covering one full floor of my house. You know,  I was never one to be obsessed over material things, but be honest, if you had the chance to buy anything you wanted (because your work requires them, of course), wouldn’t you be happy? Wouldn’t you grab the chance?

The stylist finishes her work and I look in the mirror. She has dressed me in a very flattering short sleeve legnth dress. It’s a tye-die blue dress and it is very nice. Neither the slutty style nor the prude one.  My hair and make-up is done flawlessly, and my shoes, along with the short hem-line of the dress really do make my legs look never ending. I look stunning. Yes, I know, this sounds weird and snobbish, but this is one of the moments that you look at the mirror and what you see is just what you’ve always wanted. You feel nice in your clothes and that’s what gives you confidence…

The firm car pulls up at the entrance of ' Club Cabana'. There is a very big queue but of course the body guards at the doors let us in straight away, they have strict instruction to do so. We walk into the bar and I take in my surroundings. It is a nice club with simple but elegant decoration and it is already crowded. I catch a lot of men staring at me. Well, it’s a pity, I am interested in a specific one.  We walk to a booth and sit down. The music is blasting out of the speakers and the place is heaving with people. I could never pick him out of the crowd on my own, thank god for my men. I have the ear piece in and they have control of the security cameras.

' Okay Ellie, he's making his way to the bar, the far end at the left hand side. Go and buy a drink.' I give the girl I'm with a nod and head over to the bar. 'He's already their Ell. It’s the man with the red top'. I see him and I can’t help ogling him a bit. I mean, the guy is one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen and his clothes do nothing to hide his muscular body. ‘Hey, Ell get it together! This man is a criminal!’ Thinking that I see him lean over the bar and I push my way through the drunken people and stand next to him.

We’re both waving for the barman and no-one is coming. The bar is heaving with people trying to be served. One walks over to me, 'What can I get you?'

I look to my right to see Calvin looking annoyed. 'Actually, he was here first' I say as I place my hand on his arm. I need to get to his good side if I want to charm him. He smiles at me, 'What would you like?' he offers kindly.

'Well if your offering a vodka and coke please' I smile.

'A bottle of bud and a vodka and coke please' He smiles at the barman and turns to me. 'So who are you here with, your boyfriend?' He asks questioningly.

I laugh, ' Nope, I'm single. I'm just here with my friend Sophie, you?'

' I'm with my friend Joe, why don’t you join us, we were about to head to the VIP section?'

' I'd love to' I say.

He pays for the drinks and starts to weave his way through the crowd. I keep my hand on his arm the whole time. Thank God, everything is going smoothly, but I have a feeling this case will be different from all the others I’ve completed. I was never one to trust my instinct ( it has lead me to wrong decisions in the past), but somehow I can’t get these thoughts out of my mind. Thankfully, 'Sophie' meets us half way and as we make our way to the V.I.P lounge, I am able to relax and think straight. This guy is a CRIMINAL and I am gonna send him to jail. Nothing more, nothing less. The bouncers lift up the red velvet rope as soon as they catch sight of Calvin.

I could get used to this. 

Edited by @m_dreamer 

She is fab! Check out her profile and im sure she will help anyone out if they need it! x

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