chapter 12

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My eyes flutter open, and I look around. Greg Jordan and Luke are sat in beige chairs, all of them asleep. I pull myself up. What happened? The last thing I remember was the look on Calvins face. CALVIN? What did he do? will he ever forgive me.

I try to stand up but I have a wire threaded into my arm. I am in a very posh looking hospital room.

' Greg? Jordan. Luke?' I say quietly, with no luck. ' Wake up!' I shout and all three of them lift their heads and groan.

' Oh Ellie, thank god your awake' Jordan says whilst rubbing his eyes.

' Okay so, now might be a good time to explain what happened?'

' You fainted' says Greg. ' You saw that Calvin had the papers and you collapsed.'

'Well where is he now?' I say with agitation.

' I don't know, He called you an ambulance and brought you here but once the nurses said you were stable, he left.' Luke says softly.

' The scumbag, I'm just sorry that he didn't confess in time' Jordan says. And it really winds me up, they don't know him like I do.

' You have no right to call him a scumbag. He is the nicest man I have ever met. He treats me nicely, he is not at all arrogant and you lot wouldn't even weigh up to him!' A tear rolls down my face and I turn away from them all.

We all sit in silence for a while, until the nurse walks in.

' Hello miss Reid' The short brunette woman says. ' Well your very lucky, we dont normally take walk-ins here. But Mr. Waterstone is a very special client.' She walks over to the window and opens the curtains.

' Excuse me?' I have no idea what she is on about.

' Sorry, this is the st. Catherine's hospital. Its private, Mr waterstone paid a lot of money to get you in here!' She chuckles. ' I'll be back in a moment with your blood test results' She shuffles away and leaves us in silence again.

' I'm sorry for snapping' I break the tension. ' Its just, you guys don't see him like I do. He is so sweet. If you took some time to read the write-ups I did, you would realize.'

none of them say anything, but i can see the sympathy on their faces.

There is a knock at the door. Please be Calvin.

' Its only me' The nurse says as she walks in. This time she is holding a clipboard. 'Well the good news is that both you and the baby are fine. You should be able to go home tomorrow'

What did she just say? The baby. what baby?

' What did you just say?' I have sat up fully now, and all of the boys are staring at me and the nurse, making sure they heard correctly.

' The baby is fine, our test show you are twelve weeks along.' She is smiling but I am defiantly not. I just sit bewildered, staring at her.

' Are you okay Miss Reid?' She asks, obviously realizing that this is news to me.

' Oh my gosh.' she says after realizing. ' I'm so sorry, did you not know? We can take you for a scan, straight away to confirm, but- well, we never get it wrong' she has a sympathetic look on her face.

I nod my head and she leaves the room. I'm so stupid, I didn't even realize that my periods had stopped. I have noticed my tummy becoming bloated. I have been sick for no reason, sevral times. The signes were there, why was I so blind? I'm not going to tell Calvin. I can't base a relationship on the fact that there is a baby. He has to love me, for me. When and if he decides to forgive me, I will tell him. But untill then, the only people that will know go by the names of Greg, Jordan and Luke.

'I will arrange a scan for you Eleanor' The nurse starts to awkwardly shuffle out of the room.

'Thank you' I say as she nods her head and leaves the room.

' You had sex with him?' Hisses Jordan.

' Three months ago, come on Ellie, you didn't even try and play the virgin card?' says Greg in a disgusted tone.

' Of course I had sex with him, he is the best looking nicest man I have ever met. Wouldn't you?' I say as I cross my arms.

They all shut up, probably realizing that nothing they say can change the fact that I am pregnant, and will have a child with Calvin Waterstone. The man who I was suppose to send to jail.


Remember Vote comment and fan. I read every comment and if you want to mail me with suggestions then go ahead i'll deffo try and include some in the next chapter and give you a shoutout of course

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