chapter 16

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The car journey is silent. Every time i try my speak, I feel sobs breaking through. I decide to tell him the plans on the plane. Its a private jet so I don't have to worry about people overhearing.

I can see the airport out of the window, but the driver takes us a different way and we drive around the back. We pull up to a big gated entrance with barbed wire and several security guards.The driver rolls the window down and hands a security guard a document. He reads it and flips through the pages.

' Let em' through' He shouts the the rest of them.

the doors slide open and the car slowly moves through. We are stopped again at the other side and have to get out of the car. Its raining and the driver hands me an umbrella, I walk over to Calvin and shelter him as well.

' I assume were flying in a private jet?' Calvin says casually.

' Yes, my boss is letting us use the company jet' I reply.

another car pulls up. Our driver is carefully putting the contents of the boot into the other car. Except my small box of possessions that I will get upon returning.

' Is this your first time going private?' Calvin says.

' No I've used it quite a few times when I've been working over there.'

' oh and by working I assume you mean sex?' he says disgusted. 'Because when you were working with me, or against me should I say, that's how things kind of went.'

He storms of into the other car and gets in the back seat. The driver gestures me to get in the car. I walk round the other side and get in. Calvin is looking away from me out of the window.

' Get over it Calvin' I say quietly to myself hoping he can't hear.

' Get over it? How can I? you betrayed my trust, you told me you loved me! and-'

' It is my job Calvin! Just as much as you have a duty to help failing companies and make a profit, I have to get answers out of men that are believed to be criminals! I wouldn't have even met you if it wasn't for this stupid job!' I shout. He is looking at me with his eyes wide open, in shock ' I did love you, I still do! What more can I possibly give you? I have quit my job to be with you and still you are having none of it! If you will never forgive me then just tell me now, because I am sick of trying to be something that is not good enough for you'

Just as my big speech is over the car stops outside of our plane. I storm out of the door and up the steps of the plane, practically throwing our passports at the hostess. I know this plane well and I walk straight through to the bedroom, lock the door and throw myself face down on the bed. I let the tears out. I cry about everything. The baby, Calvin, my parents and the fact that I will have nothing when I get back home. I wish I had my mum here, she would know what to say. Give me advice. But she's not, and i'm going to have to figure this one out by myself.

After what I would say was twenty minutes, I hear a knock at the door.

' Excuse me miss, the plane is about to set of and while were ascending you must be seated.'

I pick up a cushion and unlock the door. I sit down in one of the seats and put my face back in the cushion. The plane starts moving.

' Look Elle, I'm sorry. I did'nt realize that you had quit your job and -' He says awkwardly before i interrupt.

' Just leave it okay?' he nods. ' good, Okay well the plan. We have to act like newlyweds. We are staying in the honeymoon suite of the hotel where your mother is. we needed an excuse to go to Italy and my boss,- ex-boss thought that this worked. we both have passports with different names.' I open them both. ' Your Callum Edgewater and I'm Ellis Edgewater. This involves acting so as much as your mad at me you cant ruin this'

He nods again and I can tell that he is trying to resist the urge to make a digg at me.

Crying has given me headache so as soon as the seat belt signs go off, I head back to the bedroom, alone. I hope that he can forgive me, but at the moment anything seems to be setting him off. I still love him like crazy, but unfortunately, I don't think he feels the same way.


I'd like to give a shutout to @hally85 she has been amazing and has read the book right from the moment i released it! She has given me feedback on every single chapter and I dont think that i would have even continued so quick if it wasnt for her! everyone follow her and i'm sure if you ask very nicley, she will give you feedback on your books!!

i'm going to do a shoutout every chapter from now on! I'm going to pick one random person who follows me and follow them back and shout them out! So if you follow me keep your eyes peeled in future chapters for your name on here!!

Ive had lots of really nice boys names!, can I please have girl name suggestions on this chapter? thanks.

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