chapter 14

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I can't believe he walked out on me. I suppose I should have seen it coming. Especially as I lied to him, but somehow I just expected him to understand.

It's been a week since I have been out of hospital. I shouldn't have really been in for long, but with it being private, they needed to make sure I was definitely okay.

I stand outside of the door marked Mr. William Jones. My boss. He called me in here and I can probably guess why. The new assignment on my desk has been left untouched. I have spent my entire working days trying to track down Calvin's mother. If he is refusing to speak to me because of what I did, I feel the need to do this for him. Not only that, If my mother had a chance of coming back, then I would do everything in my power to do so. So far I have all of the basic information. Name, D.O.B, place of birth and last known sightings. I am going to have to ask for help, and Mr. Jones is the one to ask.

' Come in' He shouts from behind the door.

I slowly push down the handle and swing open the door. William is sat in his chair looking at some papers.

' Come on, sit down Eleanor. You have a lot to explain' He says Calmley.

I make my way over to the comfy chair and sigh. We have allwas been close, me and William. I have been the only girl on he office floor, and he has been the oldest. Its been like a father daughter relationship. I don't know how he is going to react to everything i am going to ask of him.

' Well congratulations on the baby' He gestures to my stomach. ' But Eleanor, I cannot believe you let this happen'

' How did you find out? I was trying to keep it a secrete' I look to my protectively placed hands on my small bump.

' I checked your hospital records, I didn't want to intrude, but you haven't even opened your next case and I see why. We need to discuss maternity leave.'

'But Will, I don't want maternity leave! I want to leave the company. I quit' I hold my head high.

' Eleanor you have a contract. The government owns everything of yours! Your house, your car and everything you have ever bought using the business card!' He looks genuinely sympathetic for me.

' But, well .. You know I cant stay! I'm going to be a mother. I cant do a dangerous job like this while I have a child at home! How long is left in my contract?'

' Three years. I'm sorry Eleanor I cant do anything about it.'

' Fine take everything! I've got plenty of my wages left over. I'll just buy a new house'

' Eleanor, you have to reimburse everything you have bought on the buisness card' He goes onto his computer and makes a few clicks and looks up again. ' That would leave you with £10,500 in your bank account, I'm sorry'

I put my head in my hands and sob. 10k to start a household, with a child to look after.

' Look, If there's anything I can do as a final favour, id love too' He says softly.

This is it, my chance to get Calvin's mother back, I'd loose everything but I really want to help.

' Yes actually. I want you to help me get Calvin's mother back from Italy. Now he thinks that she is dead, but they wouldn't just kill her if they though that she could be still used as a bribe!' I say quickly.

If he says no then I know what to do, I have the whole argument brewing up in my head. I know the words I am going to use, the reasons why he should help me on this. This is the last thing he needs to do for me.

William sighs, 'Fine, I'll help'

'What? your actually going to do this?' I cant even believe he is agreeing to this.

' Its going to be difficult, helping someone I was meant to send to jail, but I owe this to you. I never had the pleasure of children, but Eleanor, you are the closes thing I have to one.' He stands up from the table and walks around. ' Thank you Ellie'

I throw my arms around him and again the tears fall from my eyes. These hormones are really going to my head.

He pulls away. ' I'm goin to organise travel there, plane tickets, fake passports for both you and Calvin and ten security guards to be around you at all times. I know you shouldnt have, but you fell for this boy. I dont blame you Eleanor. I could never do what you do'

I walk out of the Offie with my head held high. No matter how many glares I get form co-workers, they cannot put me down, because I couldn't be happier right now. I have a baby on the way and Calvin could get back together with me. Much, much more than any of them will ever have.


So okay I was thinking about the front cover, its nothing speacial and if anyone had an idea for one or would like to design one for me I would love to see it. If its good enough I would use it as the book cover, a shoutout would be given of course!! haha just inbox me and I will give you my email address.

If anyone has any suggestions for baby names then post them on my message board or in the comments. when the time comes for Ellies baby, I will pick the best ones and let you all have a vote!!

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