chapter 8

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On Sunday morning I have a day off. I watch so many Rom-coms. The note-book, 50 first dates, Pretty woman and I compare me and Calvin to all of them. In the note-book, she had a lot of money, like Calvin, and he dosn't, like me! In fifty first dates, He has to get her to fall in love with him, that's what I have to do with Calvin. And Pretty woman is the most similar. She is employed to make him love her. Like I am now, and she falls in love with him, the same is  happening to me.

I am in my pyjamas all day, crying at the films, even though there not sad. I just cry because I know that its something that I cant have.

On Monday I am ready for work in my business clothes. I decide to put my hair down, and make my self look really nice. I undo one of the top buttons on my shirt. Today, I am going to see Calvin at his work!

I have found the place on Google and rang reception. An old woman answered, when I told her that I was his girlfriend and I was going to surprise him, she sounded very happy, she must have known him for a while.

I pull up in my car to what must be at least at least a fifty story building made entirely of glass. The sign placed at the top reads, 'Waterstone limited'. I walk through the vast doors and into the main reception. There is a desk with about fifteen different people. So I walk up to one of them, a young girl with red hair.

'Hi, I'm her to see Calvin waterstone' I smile, but she just looks annoyed.

'Listen lady, he's a very busy man, you'll have to go on the waiting list if you have a new product you want to sell to him' She puts her head back down to look at her computer.

' No, He's my boyfriend, I rang someone earlier, they said it would be okay?' They all look at me now.

' Oh, is it Eleanor?' An older lady says. I nod. ' Margret his P.A spoke to me earlier about you, If you would like to follow me.'

She comes out of the main reception and gestures for me to follow her into a lift.

'So, you and Mr. Waterstone?' I laugh nervously. 'He hasn't brought a girl here since his last wife!'

'Well, I'm surprising Calvin. He does all of the surprises so now its my turn'

'Well, he would be able to with all of that money' She turns her gaze to the elevator door.

' I know that everyone will think i'm with him for his money, but trust me, I didn't even know about that until he took me for a picnic at his house. He is so kind, and sweet and generous' and I'm paid to make him like me, I decide not to add that.

'I'm sure you'll be great together' She smiles and the doors slide open.

Were on the top floor, we must be. Because I can see over the other buildings from the window. The lady leads me to the much smaller reception desk.

' Margret, this Is Eleanor' the lady says. She nods and heads back to her desk downstairs.

' Oh hello Eleanor, I'm Margret, you spoke to me on the phone.'

'Hi, Its nice to see you, where is he?' I say politely.

Margret presses down on a button and leans into the device. 'Mr. Waterstone, Eleanor Reid is here to see you' She says into it.

Suddenly I get very scared. What If he dosn't want me here. He might be busy, He might think i'm strange turning up here. My heart beat speeds up.

Within about five seconds of Margret finishing her sentence. The door to his office flies open. He spots me and comes over putting his hands around my waist and kissing me on the lips.

I put my hands up around his neck and break off the kiss, putting my head on his shoulder. 'Surprise' I whisper into his ear. He laughs.

I suddenly feel conscious that we are in a busy office, I pull away from him and find people staring at us. Blood rushes to my cheeks and I laugh out of embarrassment.

'Back to work, you've had your fun' He says in a joking tone. He takes my hand and leads me through to his office. Closing the door and pushing me against it, concealing me in another one of his kisses.

'Nice surprise Elle' he says once he breaks away and leads me to sit on his sofa.

'Well, you're always the one doing the nice surprising things, so its my turn' I smile again as he plays with my hair.

'I was thinking' I say. 'This weekend, you should come to mine, and I'll cook us a meal'

'I'de love too!' he says kissing me again!

'Work must make you frisky!' I laugh, there has been no shortage of kisses today!

'It's not work Ellie, Its you' I blush and look to the floor. 'Your so beautiful, I don't now how the men at your work keep their hands of you. I'd be going crazy' We both laugh and my cheeks flush red again.

I stay there for an hour. The phone kept ringing, the intercom kept buzzing and people kept knocking on the door. He ignored them all though, and just kept looking into my eyes. He makes me feel so special and wanted. Not like most men who just want sex, and someone to make them look good. I said I had to go, That I was on my lunch hour. He protested, but I said I had work to do. The real reason that I had to go was because I was enjoying myself to much. And that will only make it more painful, when I have to voluntarily walk out of his life.


Please comment, if you have any ideas i'd love to try and put them into the story. also pleae vote on this chaper, i love it when people vote and coment it makes me feel wanted! haha.

love you lots, Bella x

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