chapter 9

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The week is spent preparing for the perfect date. I have re-designed the menu sixteen times now. I want it to look as if I have tried, but not gone over board. I am making steamed chicken with a spicy tomato sauce. It tastes amazing and looks really fancy. Thank you, Jamie Oliver! I even have a desert and starter. I have bought ingredients for a full English breakfast, in case he decides to sleepover, which I am hoping does happen.

Its now six-thirty, and he should be here in just half an hour. I go upstairs and get changed into a more casual outfit. A grey maxi skirt and a fitted white top. I curl my hair in its usual style and apply my make-up. When I'm ready, I give my room a final tidy, the sheets have already been washed today, and I've vacuumed and polished every surface.

As expected, at seven, on the dot, the doorbell sounds. I open the door to find a more casual looking Calvin. He is wearing jeans and a plain grey Cotton top. You can see his abs through it. Forget dinner lets just go up to my room now!

I pull him in and crush his lips against mine. He laughs against my mouth.

'Nice to see you too' He says when he pulls away. 'I have brought us some wine and chocolates for after dinner, I thought you'd be sick of flowers.'

'Thank you' I take the chocolates in one hand and Calvin in the other. I lead him through to the living room and we sit on the sofa together.

'Are you hungry? Because I'm starving!' I ask.

He nods his head. ' I haven't eaten all day'

'Okay then, wait here and I'll go and get the starter ready' I get up and leave the room.

The starters are almost ready. I get out the glasses and pour the wine, taking them to the dining room and placing them on the table. Back in the kitchen I plate up the food and it looks so professional, He's going to love it.

I take the plates of food through to the dining room.

'Calvin, do you want to come through' I shout into the living room.

He makes his way through the door and sits down at the table, his eyes are wide with shock.

'Have you made this?' He asks. 'It looks amazing'

'Yes I have! Cooked seasoned peppers, on a bed of vegetable rice' He stares at me in amazement. 'I had a little help from a cook book, but... well' I shrug and we both laugh.

What amazes me as that even in an intimate setting like this, our conversation just flows. There are no silences and I have a brilliant time. We are both stuffed when we finish desert. We have had four glasses of wine each and it has really gone to my head.

I take him through to the living room, but with my new found confidence, I have other plans. I turn around at the doorway and kiss him. I slide my hands up around his neck and he puts his firmly around my waist. I put my legs around him and deepen the kiss.

'Wait' I pull away and plant my legs on the ground. 'Come with me'

I take his hand and run up stairs into my bedroom.Once were inside, I take of my outfit, leaving me just in my underwear. I walk over to him seductively and take his top off. I was right, he has perfectley toned abs! We kiss again, and the feeling of his skin against mine drives me crazy. He picks me up and takes us over to the bed, never breaking from the kiss.

'Ellie' he says as he pulls away.

'mmm?' I mumble, just wanting to carry on.

'Look at me' I do as i'm told, he looks into my eyes. 'Before anything happens I have to tell you something.'

He is going to confess! In normal situations this would be great, but I want this to happen so bad!

'I haven't been intimate with a woman, since I split up with my wife. I promised myself that the next time, it would be with someone special who means a lot to me' He pushes a strand of hair out of my face. ' I know it has only been a month or so, but I really like you Ellie, I- I think I love you'

' I feel exactly the same way Calvin' I say softly.


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