The mute dancer 8

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Ready here we go last time for the night i instructed to my little dancers, we have our annual dance recital coming up and they are dancing to 'my little tea pot' the beginners always dance to  nursery rhyme. I haven't seen hunter at the dance studio since the first incident. Thank goodness. Alright class time to leave see you tomorrow. Shit......

I spoke too soon there sitting in all his glory is the one the only hunter, ' Riley stop thinking like that he's a pain in the ass.'  

Riley & hunter (dialogue) 

H- hey princess 

R- don't call me that 

H- okay hey kitty cat 

R- still not my name 

H- what do you prefer I call you?

R- by my actual name

H - but whats the fun in that, are you coming to my party later tonight?

R- why do you want me to come so  badly

H- I don't care if you come or not I was just wondering it would probably be 100 times funner if you didn't come

R- Its 'more fun' not 'funner' 

H- i'm 'sorry' nerd 

R- whatever bye 

H- bye see you at school on Monday

Riley P.O.V

That little ass has something coming to him he better be prepared....

Cliffhanger.... sorry guys ;)

The Mute DancerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora